
  1. Nexus

    Samsung Galaxy S I9000 or Sony Xperia X10

    Hello everyone, finally I have landed on this forums, which is strictly dedicated to Tech Stuff. I had been member of many forums before like, OneManga, BleachExile etc.(Yeah I am Manga Fan) Since I couldnt find any ask Questions area, I am making a thread here itself. Well I...
  2. F

    New cracks any website?

    I'll never talk about piracy on ThinkDigit forums because now I know that I might get banned. :oops:
  3. hjpotter92

    Comics Stolon: An innovation in magazine era

    Comics Stolon, a name for a beautifully and heartily created magazine based solely for Raj Comics. This magazine shall be dealing with every nook and cranny of Raj Comics and its magic. But it all doesn't end here, the magazine shall incorporate into it the arts from the forum user, fans and...
  4. hansraj

    Why r we reluctant in sharing the info on piracy!!!

    Ok ... before i begin Lets remind all of us of the Forums rule that none of our post should direct to any pirated content hereafter(basically no infringement of Copyright law or Intellectual act). What i want to discuss here is: why is sharing information on the available pirated content...
  5. A

    Installing tweetdeck on Ubuntu 8.04

    I have been trying for sometime to install tweetdeck. I have Ubuntu8.04 OS. Have also tried doing what is suggested in the Ubuntu forums. Has someone done it? Any guidance will be really appreciated.
  6. Faun

    I heard you got a PM !

    Tell me DFers what is the maximum PM storage you get on other forums :grin: Here is mine : Lets see if someone can beat this !
  7. S

    How to download the forums

    Please tell me how to download forums. I dosen't have net connection, so i require to download forums. I have tried with Httrack and other web copying tools but it downloads only index page and for all other pages it downloads login pages. Please help.
  8. eggman

    Thinkdigit Forum's New Thread Therorem: Views = Replies+1

    Hence Proved!!! 1 :)) (runs naked)
  9. victor_rambo

    Joomla versus Wordpress!

    As some of you may be aware, I am hobbyist-turned-professional PHP-MySQL programmer. These days, I have to commonly deal with open-source packages such as Wordpress, Joomla, etc. Almost all of my work is related to wordpress. I have observed that Worpdress is easy to use and customize. Mind...
  10. moshel

    Forums for Speakers (the ones from which we hear music, not the boring lecturers)

    hey guys anyone know of any good forums for speakers, sort of how head-fi forums are for earphones/headphones.
  11. freshseasons

    Can Digit forum carry on its Own ?

    Most of these days i feel Digit Forum has lost some of the charm or rather aptly just lost a bit of shine. I don't mean to push the point that its fails to attract the visitors.It does and in drones but there is simply no hedonism. One just, these days needs to take a glance, stroll around...
  12. R

    Searching info in forums

    Guys.. Please tell me how to Google search for some information that is available in forums. For eg. I need to read Graphics Card Reviews that are available in forums such as our forum or techtree forum, techarena forum etc. So kindly tell me how to search using Google.
  13. aditya.shevade

    Where is digit software archive??

    Heya people. Sorry I am not searching. Contacted kalpik and QwertyM, both know nothing about it. Ans since a mod does not know, I figured, it is not on the forums yet. Anyways, where the hell is the latest software archive? I cannot find it. Someone please tell me. Thanks, Aditya
  14. Sathish

    Will google replace "forums" in future.?

    As all of you know, google has vast information and its searching capabalities goes beyond to the earth.. most of the time my doubts on everything(tech,shopping,education,etc) has been cleared by google and i easily and instantly found the specific answer to my queries. i think google will...
  15. V

    Forum for Computer Science

    Friends can you please suggest me forums for DBMS,Operating System & Computer Networks.
  16. Ecko

    Windows Live Messenger Build 14.0.3921.0717 Leaked

    Take a look its looks awesome Source : Forums
  17. K

    How to change my username - here?

    I want to change my username HERE in Digit forums, usually in smaller forums, one has to request the admin, but who to ask here? Or if there is no easy method, I can just re-register. I searched the forums and even through google, but I haven't found any similar question.
  18. iMav

    Bin Laden:Islam :: FOSS Fagots:FOSS

    Bin Laden:Islam :: FOSS Fagots:FOSS Being an active member on tech forums, you come across some really interesting things and people. I have a lot of friends and readers due to these very forums. This article was in the making for quite a long time, but recent events on one of India’s biggest...
  19. jerin3013

    Any one pls Review.

    i posted my site in many other forums,and they are not reviewing my site.. i posted early in digit forum and i got the same result.. and that's while i'm posting one more time. here is my site : * and i have one more question... anyone knows any adsense forums?
  20. hjpotter92

    Check the forums

    I have my own forums which are hosted by visit the forums and tell me about it. The link is this one: * If you do trust someone on the forums than please look there and if possible be a member.
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