
  1. TechPrince

    eMarketingHub Community Lanchued !!

    Hi friends, A new Internet Marketing & Search Engine Optimization Community is on its way. You can check its progress and be a part of it. Visit : *emarketinghub.net What is it about? Its an online marketing community with additional search engine optimization contents. Here, one can...
  2. prasath_digit

    Far Cry 2 Discussion Thread

    Haven't been to Africa?..Don worry here cause here comes Africa to your Desktop.......Here comes Far Cry 2........ Release Date :- October 31, 2008 The next installment in the ground breaking exotic-non linear FPS series.......... Far Cry released in 2003 was a huge technical & game play...
  3. S

    Launch Search Engine for .Net Developers

    I would like to mention a new search engine for dot net developers. This search engine uses Google Custom Search Engine technology to provide dramatically improved search results for software developers using VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET and other .NET technologies. It searches only the best of sites...
  4. debsuvra

    New Search Engine Cuil Takes Aim At Google

    SOURCE Check CUIL @ www.cuil.com In my opinion, this new search engine looks cool but it's functionality is nowhere near Google or even Live search. :rolleyes:
  5. ray|raven

    Experimental GTK+ theme engine will add CSS support.

    Source : *arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2008/07/17/experimental-gtk-theme-engine-will-add-css-support This might be the best thing that happened to gtk theming in a while!
  6. S

    Submitting website to Google search engine.

    Friends, I have published my website on internet.Is there any website which submit my website to Google search engine for free?
  7. blademast3r

    How to make a firefox search engine plugin in search box

    Hey guys, how fyu make a firefox search box plugin for a search engine.... u kno the google search box , i want to make it search another search engine thats nt given in the options...
  8. gary4gar

    Valve's Source Engine Coming To Linux

    Full Article Now Game Manufacturers are thinking of starting to make Games for Linux
  9. chesss

    Searching india.. need opinions

    search indian websites with google custom search I was basically tired of searching individual sites so have taken up this 'project'. I have made ths site *whereinindia.googlepages.com/ and have made and posted couple of search engines there using google custom search. First one...
  10. T

    My first Google App Engine Demo.

    Got My First Google App Engine Demo up and Running. *lamp.techbirbal.com/2008/04/08/google-appengine-released-2/
  11. DigitalDude

    Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine-with-g

    Google Jumps Head First Into Web Services With Google App Engine Source: TechCrunch Google App Engine wow looks cool... havent yet gone through the specifics... doing now.. :D btw I'm not familiar with python... any python hissers here ?? ;) Edit: damn no place left...
  12. saurabhpatel

    LG KE970 Shine. Born to shine?

    Where does the music quality of LG Shine stand compared to sony Ericsson's LG Kg300? Heard that the scroll wheel is a bit hard to operate. Last question : Will its Java Engine be able to handle KD Player. Kg 300's java engine had problems with it.
  13. raksrules

    Will our Good Intentions Work, Plz Help???

    Hi all, I own a Unicorn and work in Pune. Many of the people who own two wheelers in my company have Voluntarily decided to make the best use of fuel in terms of saving their own money as well as do a bit for the environment. For this we have decided that one should kill the engine at each...
  14. quadroplex780

    nVidia Geforce 8=Ageia PhysX

  15. Rahim

    Search Goes Open Source: Wikia Search

    Wikia Search is an Open Source Search Engine. It is still in Alpha Testing stage, so the search result would not be highly accurate, and will need at least 2 years to give users a satisfying results. just dont expect this to replace Google as your primarily search engine yet. Wikia Search More Here
  16. axxo

    ***nano Bike***

    Bajaj's new Cheapest Bike for Rs.5000 ($125)(like TATA Nano)..... !!!!!!! It has been a major hit in the market and is largely responsible for changing the 'Two wheeler maket' It will be introduced to market in March 2008… Facilities are.. Available in following option: i) Kick...
  17. krates

    < !!! Redesigned my site - Now legal!!! /> -- Now review plz

    Hey all my site is now completely legal *www.lookforav.com This website thread was locked because of it's video search engine which drudge(moderator) pointed it as illegal i have changed the video search engine with only a youtube search engine which searches for videos for youtube and...
  18. nileshgr

    Python Query Thread

    This is the thread in which I will post all my queries about Python here. Mods please don't lock this thread. I will create no more threads on Python if you don't lock this. :) TEMPLATING ENGINE: Which is the best Python templating engine ? I know three Cheetah, Kid, PSP. Any others to...
  19. techtronic

    REAL PLAYER - MALWARE ! Consumer group slams RealPlayer as 'badware'

    A consumer advocacy group is blasting RealNetworks for installing adware and other software without properly notifying its users. In a report published Thursday, StopBadware.org faults the latest version of RealPlayer for secretly installing its Rhapsody Player Engine during the RealPlayer...
  20. A

    A New Search Engine

    I just came upon a new search Engine, which actually is pretty good in results. Sometimes infact I felt much better than Yahoo and MSN !!... Moreover the one thing I liked about it Adult/Porn Filter.... to search for such queries you either need to be logged in ... Check here: www.sproose.com
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