
  1. radonryder

    Cant download anything.....

    I have not been able to propery download anything for the past 1 month.. they finish downloading by arorx 50-25% or 90%+ of the file has been downloaded.. i have tried useing IE,opera and firefox... also tried flashget...... i hav cleared my cache an increased its size.... what do i do???
  2. Y

    Need a help

    respected people i am an administraor i want 2 demonstrate people how to install some compents so i want 2 devlop as a video file my requirement is in youtube i downloaded some videos but i want 2 make my own videos with effects like zooming some part lighting like this plz help me on this
  3. pratik03

    Disable Internal Bittorrent Clint in Opera

    How to disable internal bittorrent client in opera & open .torrent file with utorrent when it is downloaded from browser.
  4. E

    Valentines day special wallpaper for the most caring :)

    Photo intented to say no smoking to the beloved :) Low res image Extreme Hq of the above can be downloaded here , streches fine for any resolution * Source
  5. PunjabiPRO

    How to chk Download limit,plz guide???

    Hi guys, i have bsnl dataone 256kbps(night free) plan As the download is limited to 2.5 GB per month, is there any way to chk how much have i downloaded out of 2.5 GB until now.
  6. bravo007

    Does sify adds total bytes downloaded and total bytes uploaded as total bytes used???

    Hello friends plz guide me. I have sify broadband connection (400MB Limit with 128kbps speed). Yesterday i have downloaded about 100MBs of data from torrent(Client: BitComet) and uploaded about 120MBs of data while downloading. I was thinking that i have used only 100MBs of data but sify...
  7. H

    Microsoft "new" patent could "force" downloaders to view commercials!!

    As if DRM wasn't enough!!:x
  8. 56561

    downloaded icons but dont know how to use it .

    Hi I have downloaded a set of icons which are both in .ico and png type. but how to replace the original windows icon with these icons ? can anyone help?
  9. Gigacore

    Christmas Wallpapers

    After some googling.. found these good wallpapers.. downloaded and uploaded again to flickr to share with u guys!
  10. W

    dial up connection to sancharnet

    i know its a very very frequently asked question.. none of the replies helped me in setting my net connection in ubuntu 7.04 .. im using smartlink 48 kbps modem. Anyone who has genuinely succeeded in making a connection please reply. please do not give links to that ubuntu site that...
  11. arunks

    how much is downloaded while upgrading from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 thru internet.......?

    how much is downloaded while upgrading from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 thru internet.......? Can u plz tell me the exact download MBs while upgrading...? Plz guys if u have upgraded or have seen someone upgrading then plz rreply
  12. K

    downloaded email does not arrive the mailbox

    Hi friends! I have a server (Microsoft Small Business Server 2003), with Microsoft Exchange server, and my network has about 30 clients with 30 mailboxes. The problem is only to one computer, that the emails were downloaded from my ISP server, but afterward dissappear, does not arrive the...
  13. dreamcatcher

    Flashget query

    well i use flashget for downloading my torrents and i find that when i try to download a file, say 4 gb...the total downloaded colum is almost double of the finished column for example when the finished column shows 500 mb the total downloaded column shows 1 gb..y is it so???where is flashget...
  14. CadCrazy

    How to check Ubuntu CD Image for defects

    I have downloaded Ubuntu 7.10 alternate iso image, Burned it, booted from cd & checked cd for defects. The cd is defective. Now i want to confirm whether the image i downloaded is defective or is there anything wrong with my DVD writer. Is it possible to check UBUNTU cd image for defects ??????
  15. K

    Unable to set themes. Help needed.

    I downloaded a few themes from InterfaceLIFT for my Windows pc. However i've no idea how to set them:( . I tried going to display properties and setting them from there. However I don't see the theme files when i browse through display properties:mad: . The themes that i downloaded were zip...
  16. D

    To use Windows Updates or not ?

    I recently formatted my pc and reinstalled XP pro. And as expected automatic updates are on their way to get installed. Here is my problem now. I remember last time when updates were downloaded my 20 GB partition (17.3 GB free) showed only 4 GB free space after that :confused: :confused...
  17. ajayritik

    Which player to use to view video files which have not completely downloaded?

    Apart from VLC player are there any other players available which can play videos etc which are not completely downloaded from the net. VLC player sometimes works for files which have not completely downloaded, but not always. Does anyone know of any software or player to play uncompleted files...
  18. M

    how to save win xp update security patches

    i have win xp installed. can i save security patches downloaded from windows update site on another folder/cd. currenly my windows/xp crashed and i have to installed once again and downloaded all patches.
  19. JohnephSi

    WinRAR ZIP archive

    I ve downloaded some filed from the internet which is in WinRAR ZIP archive format bt the download was not completed .Bt i ve downloaded upto 80 pc.Plz help me to recover the downloaded files.thnks in advance.
  20. D

    intel D845 board audio problem.....

    i recently formatted my computer and loaded winxp sp2 into it..... i tried installin th audio driver given in th motherboard disk and t didn't work.... so i downloaded th latest driver from th intel site but th system restarts during th installation process....... plz help
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