
  1. Satissh S

    Redhat will go bust because of Ubuntu??

    So feels Free Software Magazine's editor, Tony Mobily. In the editorial of the issue 13 of Free Software Magazine, he predicts ubuntu and Mark Shuttleworth to spelll the demise of Redhat. Direct link to the Article. Found the news at slashdot. Please guys, i know almost all of us like one or...
  2. M

    Linux Distribution Mindmap

    I found a nice mindmap of linux distros. It's shows which major distros are based on which ones. * Here's the article on it and a cool mindmap software FreeMind...
  3. hcp006sl

    How to remove ZAP or IMSecure Pro, if get corrupted

    How to remove ZAP or IMSecure Pro, if get corrupted - A tutorial Recently my IMSecure and ZoneAlarm got corrupted due to accidental deletion of some important files of these software. Then I have to take the premium support facility available from Zone Labs. I wrote a mail to Zone Labs. In...
  4. eddie

    An Outlook on KDE 4

    Free Software magazine Tectonic published a preview of KDE 4. Written by AJ Venter of South African distribution OpenLab the article describes how the KDE developers are going to "rewrite the desktop rules with KDE 4" with technologies such as Plasma, Solid and of course Qt 4. The article...
  5. Satissh S

    Catching up with recipients of free Linux CDs

    Was browsing through newsforge and found this article to be interesting. What do people do with free linux cds? :wink: *
  6. Aniruddh

    AMD Athlon64 3000+ Venice Beats FX-55 (In Gaming!)

    Here is the whole article, of Overclocking the Venice.... * At the second last page of the article, the gaming performance is shown, where, the Overclocked Venice beats the FX-55. Amazing.... To overclock your AMD ATHLON 64...
  7. G


    Was there any article in digit about the various ISPs offering broadband? If yes, cld ne one tell me which issue of digit was it? If no, then why doesn't digit carry an article on these ISPs and their offerings? Why can't there be an article in digit giving us all kinds of info: the tariffs...
  8. S

    Best Pen Drive...?

    I'm planing to buy a 512MB Pen Drive. Which one is the Best Pen Drive? Is there any good article to buy a Best Pen Drive?
  9. C

    How Intel Blew It/why the Pentium 4 fails to deliver

    First go to the link read the entire article & then post your thoughts. Intel Pentium 4 Sucks
  10. B

    Newsforge article on virus

    I read an article about virii @, I found it interesting,see if this article is worth reading.
  11. M

    FX 5200 to gfx 5700

    is there any way of Converting Geforce Fx 5200 into higher model like 5700 or something like that.Just saw a article where GFX 6200 was converted into 6600 by pipe unlocking and overclocking.Thankz in advance.
  12. D

    WEP + FBI reference=Joke ?

    For people wondering what it is,WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy.It is a encryption pattern for securing wireless transmissions between 802.11 a,b & g devices. Recently I've been studying pros & cons of a wired v a wireless world & let me tell ya a wireless network appears to be...
  13. M

    Old article about Incredibles in DIGIT

    :oops: Ok I am completely new to this forum.. not to Digit though.. even when its name was different... real addicts know what I mean.... Why dont we have the older editions as PDF's as we used to... once upon a time here? Well I am looking out for an article I read on Incredibles.. which...
  14. ShekharPalash

    [Article] Freeware Applications for Windows

    I was just browsing PCW and found this nice article by Laurianne McLaughlin from the August 2004 issue of magazine about Freeware applications for Windows. It's 8 page long article with brief details of FREEWARE applications, many r are OpenSource, but most of them are FREEWARE... so I'm...
  15. A

    Running old game in XP

    I recently unearthed a copy of Raptor which used to run on my Win98 machine. Now I am running XP which, generally is faster, but this game keeps stumbling, and the sound too is very uneven. Could someone tell me how it's performance could be improved? Pointing me to an article in Digit would do...
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