Well I had my fair share of such disasters. It all started when I took admission in my B.Tech. In my first year I used to live in my village as it was nearer to my college.
Those days a UK edition of Maxim was doing rounds in first year boy's hostel.It had a supplementary "Little Black Book" with it which I took and stashed in my father's Locker-in-Locker. I did it so coz nobody opened it as all it had was Live .315 and 12 gauge shells in it (Yeah we own firearms and lot of 'em

So one day my mom went on a cleaning spree and found it. She just asked to whom it belonged and to return it back. She also found a Condom in my bag and I told her that it was being to used to make Squibs, the device used to give fake bullet effect in Hollywood movies, she bought it!
When Indian edition of Maxim was launched my folks allowed me to subscribe it and I'm its subscriber till now. Ironically they haven't let me subscribe Digit!

In my Second year I had Nokia 5200 and in its memory card I had few MMS clips(you know which one I'm talking about). SDo one night my lil sis went fiddling with it and while I was fragging derrières in Farcry she saw some in real bangin' action.

She told to mum about it but I said that it came in Bluetooth and there's no way of telling what file u are receiving until you get it . My elder sis had used the phone before me and she re-affirmed my theory and I was of the hook again.

Real Disaster happened when one night I was enjoying a p0rn0 flick and my mum woke up to go for bathroom. As our rooms are adjacent she came in to check on me and found me checking out stuff! She too didn't talked to me for a day but everything normalized later on.
On the whole my folks are real cool bunch. Last year we friends were planning to hit the beach and babes in Goa after our University exams. Although my mum warned of not getting "Carried away" or "Caught in the moment", my dad on the other hand was pleased that I was finally going to get "Physically educated". He even gave me extra 10K to "Enjoy ".
BUT I never went to Goa and my money went to my PC Upgrade fund. I'm sure everyone of us here has one.
AS far as hiding the p0rn0 content goes I use these 2 methods:
- Real good stuff in Windows folder, hidden and made private. As my system too is shared by my both the sisters, I have given them limited user access rights and myself the Administrator.
- Bulk of p0rn0 data goes to Linux partition where its inaccessible by both Windows and my familia.
Anybody saying guy not having P0rn0 in his system is lying. I ,at any given time , have 45Gb of such data lying in the system. Why? Coz I got too much space to waste (500GB+250GB=750 GB)