Re: All Graphics Cards related queries here.
hello to all...
well this is my first post post at the digit forums and its question. I am more on software side of geekness so i dont understand all the hardware terminology. So i want you people to help me out. I recently played Call of duty 4 at my friends place and I became fan of the game at once. So I am planning to buy the game for myself but my PC doesn't has a GPU, and my motherboard is some 845 based chipset from Gigabyte(what the hell is chipset anyways
So am planning to upgrade my box and I even searched the net for options but that confused me a lot. I can't understand why asus is making motherboard using intel socket and what not, what's SLI, AGP based card and PCI based card and all such things which might interest you people.
So please tell me in a layman's term which brand which model of motherboard, Processor and GPU to buy given my budget of Rs.25000.
Please suggest a motherboard which has SATA support and atleast two PATA(well am not a complete dumb as u might have guessed) ports as I have 300gb pata hard disk and a DVD-writer which is also PATA based i think and i dont want to waste them, DDR2 RAM support, firewire and WI-FI support too.
As for processor I currently have a Pentium IV and I am also looking to change this though am not clear about diffrence in Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, dual core and all when there speed is less than my PIV(3.02ghz). So suggest a processor based on your experience.
And finally for Graphics Card, i dont have any knowledge or expectations except that it should have atleast 512 MB memory(as COD4 requires that much) and it should be able to play most games easily.
Also would a 500W PSU will be enough for all this or not.
Well I think it's become a long post for a tiny question but please bear with me and do suggest something which is understandable by me. Also if anyone of you could provide me some links where I can clear my concepts regarding all this I would be highly indebted.
hello to all...
well this is my first post post at the digit forums and its question. I am more on software side of geekness so i dont understand all the hardware terminology. So i want you people to help me out. I recently played Call of duty 4 at my friends place and I became fan of the game at once. So I am planning to buy the game for myself but my PC doesn't has a GPU, and my motherboard is some 845 based chipset from Gigabyte(what the hell is chipset anyways
So am planning to upgrade my box and I even searched the net for options but that confused me a lot. I can't understand why asus is making motherboard using intel socket and what not, what's SLI, AGP based card and PCI based card and all such things which might interest you people.
So please tell me in a layman's term which brand which model of motherboard, Processor and GPU to buy given my budget of Rs.25000.
Please suggest a motherboard which has SATA support and atleast two PATA(well am not a complete dumb as u might have guessed) ports as I have 300gb pata hard disk and a DVD-writer which is also PATA based i think and i dont want to waste them, DDR2 RAM support, firewire and WI-FI support too.
As for processor I currently have a Pentium IV and I am also looking to change this though am not clear about diffrence in Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, dual core and all when there speed is less than my PIV(3.02ghz). So suggest a processor based on your experience.
And finally for Graphics Card, i dont have any knowledge or expectations except that it should have atleast 512 MB memory(as COD4 requires that much) and it should be able to play most games easily.
Also would a 500W PSU will be enough for all this or not.
Well I think it's become a long post for a tiny question but please bear with me and do suggest something which is understandable by me. Also if anyone of you could provide me some links where I can clear my concepts regarding all this I would be highly indebted.