Daniel Adam
Broken In
i have a problem in accessing facebook with proxy, everytime i login to facebook its saying unathorized device/unrecognized locaiton. please help me how to get rid of this problem/stop this problem.
i have checked the settings in privacy settings of my facebook account.
im a frequent traveller, i often use Wifi- connection to login fb. sometimes i travel to 2 countries in a month (say if im in dubai on 1st jan then i will be in INDIA on 30th jan) i want a permanent solution for this. everytime i cant recognize pics of my friends who are tagged in .
i've tried setting a security question to my account but when i enter its not accepting. is there any possible way to change security question of facebook account?
plz help guys.

please check the attached files
i have a problem in accessing facebook with proxy, everytime i login to facebook its saying unathorized device/unrecognized locaiton. please help me how to get rid of this problem/stop this problem.
i have checked the settings in privacy settings of my facebook account.
im a frequent traveller, i often use Wifi- connection to login fb. sometimes i travel to 2 countries in a month (say if im in dubai on 1st jan then i will be in INDIA on 30th jan) i want a permanent solution for this. everytime i cant recognize pics of my friends who are tagged in .
i've tried setting a security question to my account but when i enter its not accepting. is there any possible way to change security question of facebook account?
plz help guys.

please check the attached files