Gaming Unlimited
Nice work TopgearI am also planning to overclock my MSI N560TiGTX TFII/OC to 950Mhz-1000MHZ.
Hey, I'm looking for your Benchmark success.. Cuz i would overclock to see how far it goes
Nice work TopgearI am also planning to overclock my MSI N560TiGTX TFII/OC to 950Mhz-1000MHZ.
While OCing keep an close eye on temps ( don't let it cross over 75c ).
keep HWmonitor running at the background to know about gpu temps and volt levels and create a custom fan speed setting to keep the gpu cool![]()
and if possible avoid using apps like furmark - there's no practical use of it IMO while OCing - for gpu clock speed testing use Metro 2033 and BFBC2/BF3 game and for memory speed testing you can try Rage.
^^ thanks guys .... with stock volts this card runs at 930/1165 ( 155 / 165 Mhz increment ) which is very nice IMO .. benches coming soon.