420 santosh
Broken In
Hi guys,
i have an ati radeon hd 4650 graphic card..it is very nice and i can accelarate crysis game to a resolution of 1600*900 pixels keeping all the parameters high..not only crysis even other games like mafia 2 all gets executed in a similar way..so can u please give me a small review on that card and also how much would u rate it on a scale of 5..???
and it is an XFX version
i have an ati radeon hd 4650 graphic card..it is very nice and i can accelarate crysis game to a resolution of 1600*900 pixels keeping all the parameters high..not only crysis even other games like mafia 2 all gets executed in a similar way..so can u please give me a small review on that card and also how much would u rate it on a scale of 5..???