Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions


Chillum Baba
Love Aaj Kal - Good one. Gave me a feel of watching a Korean love story with an Indian touch. I hated Deepika's dialogue delivery in her previous movies. But now though everything is same, she sounds more natural and believable. Saif and songs were good too.

Edit - Just when I started to feel that this is an original concept, imdb points towards this.:?
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Chillum Baba
there is only one rajini in the world. We can't even think of prototypes...

Totally agree. Theres only one Mithunda, one Rajni and one Captain Vijaykanth.

The Reader - Good script. Lots of nudity but whos complaining? Isn't this the role for which Kate Winslet got the Oscar this year? Not sure.


Violent serenity.
I heard that new Hindi movie Tere Sang (dunno if its released or not) is 'inspired' (in simple words, copied) from Juno. Is it true ?


Chillum Baba
I know I should post this is Must not watch movies thread but then who visits that? Besides you will watch it once as its a Sacha Baron Cohen's movie!

Bruno - Borat has got it all wrong this time. Whole affair becomes vulgar and repulsive. Few here and there funny moments but thats it. He crosses the limits in the name of fun. Maybe thats his intention but still.... Borat was way much better.
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The Broken 6/10

Perfect comparison Primer.

Both of the films are same. Boring, made for himself (only director and author) movie. Not for audience. Entertainment Quotient 0. For eg. this is a 1hr 28min movie and first time when something happens (if u count that something!!!) is after u passed 40mins.

Initial a few shots are too long. Eg. our protagonist (or the lady who got much camera focus, screen time and comparatively more dialog) is walking in a subway, u show that for 5 fcuking minutes. Why, why do u do that? Why would I be interested to watch someone just walking, eating, yawning etc. Why so much importance to these minute details? They don't contribute anything but boring the audience.

Even Primer had a proper ending, however twisted that may be, but it had. BUT, this movie even lacks an ending.

Those who loved/understood this movie, my question to them: Who killed whom and why?
Why so many clones? Why there are no police?

#1 - The concept is just an altered version of three good movies(based on the same novel) - The Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1956], [re-made - 1978] & Body Snatchers [1993]. Also The Invasion [2007] (but this version of the novel is crap).

#2 - Primer is class, made for those who are tired of the mockery being made out of the Sci-fi genre by films like resident evil,etc and also it is for all those who want some reality in sci-fi movies. Different films altogether, not to be compared.

#3 - Agreed about the too long initial shots. But I liked the style of direction, i.e., creating suspense in the minds of the audience by stretching the length of the shot a lil' bit. I was almost craning my neck to see what was there just outside the frame a few times. :wink:

#4 - The focus was on the thrill in the mind rather than on action, plus, looked like the movie had a fairly low budget and hence no cops, no barricading of the city, no apocalyptic scenes, etc.

#5 - ***SPOILER ALERT*** Highlight only if you've already seen the movie.

The woman who is injured in the car crash is the clone. She saw her original b4 the crash, killed her, got her car crashed. She killed her as the clone wanted to ensure that no1 gets suspicious.


#6 - The end is that way as maybe the director wanted the audience to interpret the end themselves, i.e., he left something to our imagination.

I give the movie 5/10 for the story and 6.5/10 overall. The positive is that the movie has been edited tightly and the director seemed very sure of what he wanted to show.
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Chillum Baba
The Broken 6/10

Perfect comparison Primer.

Both of the films are same. Boring, made for himself (only director and author) movie. Not for audience. Entertainment Quotient 0. For eg. this is a 1hr 28min movie and first time when something happens (if u count that something!!!) is after u passed 40mins.

Initial a few shots are too long. Eg. our protagonist (or the lady who got much camera focus, screen time and comparatively more dialog) is walking in a subway, u show that for 5 fcuking minutes. Why, why do u do that? Why would I be interested to watch someone just walking, eating, yawning etc. Why so much importance to these minute details? They don't contribute anything but boring the audience.

Even Primer had a proper ending, however twisted that may be, but it had. BUT, this movie even lacks an ending.

Those who loved/understood this movie, my question to them: Who killed whom and why?
Why so many clones? Why there are no police?

Spoiler Link Alert:-


The above link explains The Broken to quite an extent. For me it was an amazing movie. Ironically, I loved the things which you hated!

I didn't like Primer as I couldn't comprehend a thing. Maybe I was not in a mood or maybe it was a way too much for me! But The Broken was awesome. Its a subjective experience. Everybody will have his own opinion. :)
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