Your most Emotional and Memorable moments of Game. (SPOILERS AHEAD!)


Human Spambot
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Mafia-I was indeed one of the best crafted game I have ever played...I mean the voice over, gameplay and most importantly the story is so impressive....loved it totally....was better than Mafia-II


Legend Never Ends
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

abhidev said:
....was better than Mafia-II

Have to agree with you on this. Apart from the Graphics part Mafia 1 is better than Mafia II.

The story left we enthralled. 11/10 for Mafia.

Ontopic- another Emotional moment-

In Call of Duty: Black Ops,
when Mason says "I remember where it is....." that moment felt great. All the hardwork finally paid off in the end off the game. The numbers thing really kept me interested in the missions.

Also in the end, when Jets flew by in formation it was great.

Loved Black Ops, well made game and good story(not awesome). 9/10


Burning in the skies
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

when i had to incarnate companion cube in portal :(

the cake is a lie.....

Valve is so awesome, there each and every game is so fantastic. Half life series, portal, l4d, cs, team fortress... ♥ VALVe
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Cyborg Agent
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

for me then a game ends then feel sad L:( especially games like crysis :(


Human Spambot
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

I recently completed Red Dead Redemption on my friends' Xbox 360. And It had one memorable incident.. That I can never forget.

The episode where we have to ride to Mexico on horse. It is easily one of the best moments I have had while playing a game. The song, Sun set, Color tone, animals here and there, environment.. everything was perfect.

This is the video I found in YouTube... for you guys who haven't played the game... this is for you :)



Living to Play
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Thanks vamsi. Video is damn good. Sad that this game is not for us PC gamers.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

This is the video I found in YouTube... for you guys who haven't played the game... this is for you :)

At first I was watching that video, expecting something to happen at any moment. But I soon realize the best part of this video. The music. And then I listened to it 2 more times.

I hope I can have XBox someday, just so that I can experience this game, and this plot, first hand. :smile:


Staff member
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

I hope I can have XBox someday, just so that I can experience this game, and this plot, first hand. :smile:

I hope the buggers release it on PC. Not gonna buy Xbox 3shitty :razz:


Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Agreed with Ethan. Bionic Commando's ending is pretty emo. :) I remember NVIDIAGeek spoiling that ending for all by posting screenies. ;)

quan chi

mortal kombat
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

COD mw2 the bridge in co-op.The music is melodramatic.


The climax of MW1.
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Staff member
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Silent Hill 2

Do not watch the video if you don't want to spoil the game.


Burning in the skies
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Faun said:
Originally Posted by vineet369
I hope I can have XBox someday, just so that I can experience this game, and this plot, first hand.
I hope the buggers release it on PC. Not gonna buy Xbox 3shitty
Well, rockstar release their games on pc but they take their time and even then they are bad ports. example - GTA IV. Anyways, i would too love to play it, hope they release it on pc soon.
Rockstar is awesome, but i really-really don't like their not releasing their games on pc, i will miss out on L.A. Noire too until it comes out on pc.


Legend Never Ends
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Guys, another emotional moment=

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ending


When our man takes out the knife out of his heart man that moment I was enthralled. I didnt expect such a dramatic ending that the knife will go SPLAT into the eye of Makarov, it felt great. Couldnt have asked for a better ending. Sigh, Black Ops doesnt have such a great ending


Living to Play
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

In most games people find the ending to be emotional but in Splinter Cell double Agent.
I find the prologue of the game quite emotional. When they were telling about Sam Fischer that his Daughter is Dead and He has nothing to lose.


Living to Play
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Well I find the ending of mass Effect 2 quite emotional when anyone of your crew or squad died in suicide mission.
Although I managed to save each and everyone but watching youtube videos was quite sad for me.


Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

No mention of Fallout 3?
This game is full of emotional and touchy moments.(Or cruel or sadistic, depends on you.)


Living to Play
Re: Your most Emotional and Touchy moments of Game.

Well Fallout 3 is a good game but its ending does not touched me because I saw it all coming. The most emotional moment was when protagonist father sacrificed himself to save others.
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