Review of Evil within is good so must play but i won't because i am such a pussy.
Currently playing Shadow of mordor, Inversion and downloading path of exile.
Are you liking shadow of mordor?Although its being touted as one of the best 3rd person action games of 2014,i found it to be pretty boring actually.The missions are very repetitive and there's virtually nothing to do in it other than going from point A to point b ,killing hordes of orcs who greatly outnumber the player on most occasions,thereby leading to his inevitable death and forcing him to restart the game from the last checkpoint and start the mission afresh.
Are you liking shadow of mordor?Although its being touted as one of the best 3rd person action games of 2014,i found it to be pretty boring actually.The missions are very repetitive and there's virtually nothing to do in it other than going from point A to point b ,killing hordes of orcs who greatly outnumber the player on most occasions,thereby leading to his inevitable death and forcing him to restart the game from the last checkpoint and start the mission afresh.
Except when you get to act 4 ands its just an unnnecessary grind
The game's act 4 is equivalent to difficulty level of act 1 in diablo 2.. thats why i really dislike this game
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IF you want 50 chaos orbs and a legendary white item tabula rasa, hit me up (my id is xXNerevarineXx)