Your Gaming Backlog/Progress Report!


Finished Zelda Ocarina of Time. Impressed by it greatness started Wind Waker on dolphin...its true successor and i'm enjoying Zelda games very much.
After dark souls , Zelda series became my most loving game series. Thanks to NINTENDO for making such awesome things.


Wise Old Owl
Wolfenstein --exactly halfway through. No doubt so far the best story+game-play for me from a FPS this year. Bethesda and Id.... *clap* *pause* *clap* *pause* *clap*


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ Hmm . sounds great. Need to get and play it ASAP. BTW, how long did it take to reach the half part ?


Wise Old Owl
^^ Hmm . sounds great. Need to get and play it ASAP. BTW, how long did it take to reach the half part ?

Not Much, may be in 5 hours solid game-play, I rushed a bit, should not have, now playing it cool, completing challenges to unlock perks , finding secret areas and all. Love this game.


In the zone
currently playing Batman Arkham Origins and struggling with collecting all the data packs. most of the data packs which require shock gloves are remaining. not able to find where i can get those :( getting bored with the city roaming here & there like a monkey.. :-?


Wise Old Owl
currently playing batman arkham origins and struggling with collecting all the data packs. Most of the data packs which require shock gloves are remaining. Not able to find where i can get those :( getting bored with the city roaming here & there like a monkey.. :-?

did you...did you just call batman a monkey??


Wise Old Owl
my oh my, the more i play this game the more engrossing it becomes.

1. Amazing character play and voice acting, everything character is so connected, not symbolically but how they represent the events and the story progression. The best of metro and black ops i would say.
2. The game-play have actually hard riveted me with the time frame and the circumstances, the prime of the reigning empire, the violence, domination, the world order is echoing in every action and reaction of the game so far. Incredible alignment.
3. Story, best so far in this series, even considering the original title and the following sequels which proved best at their times. Memorable moments, personality attachments, philosophical aspects of each character, origin..i mean its so surprising to see and play, so different today's AAA FPS games.
4. Gun-play and weapons? No joke, variations, firing mods, extra attachments, perks, culmination of badass weaponry and effects.

Playing the last quarter of this game. Wolfenstein
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