Yahoo Sends A's email to B's Inbox...

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Broken In
Hi Saurav

Probably a screenshot of the first mail you recieved with all the mail headers would be better.

Perform a simple test.

Mail yourself a mail from yahoo with some address in the to field and bcc yourself at your yahoo address. Then see the complete headers. Do you see your name in the bcc col?


Broken In
sry for late responce....
as i am new itni sari posts main khooo gaya tha.......
ya @saurav_cheeta:
ur facing very common problem of spaming......

if possible for thn send me that mail whos' screenshot this one.....


thmbnl [img=*]

then one thing i would like to say is tht address mentioned in CC is always visible.......N those of bcc are not when you view mail in simple screen shot showed by you in which bcc addressess visible in full header.......thn i come to know only tht it depand on mail server side wht it provide to you......
as on mine institute mail server ......u dont able to see bcc name in either normal or full header view.....
screen shots here......
1) I am sending mail to three persons....myself(angoyal_b03 in To field
two others in bcc field......vkumar_b03, lkmeena_b03)

2)screen shot of my mail full header.......with marked tht i got the mail...

3)vkumar_b03's mail normal header shows only "To" filed..which shows my name there( i send to myself na :wink:)

4) full header of vkumar_b03's mail.......which marked tht he got mail....N only To filed there....which shows my name still.....:lol:

5)other person's normal N full header view....same as above marked....N mentioned.....

N for other probs of you in which no senders add N subject is none....
thn as per mine knowledge is concern tht is all can do by jst some simple networking mail sending program.......which also can be used in spaming..or dataoverflow on any server........

N i not got your last screen shot



"An explanation as to why you get spam email addressed to someone else is that spammers use sophisticated tools that generate email address lists, thereby effectively guessing email addresses, then send out bulk emails. Some of the emails are bounced back, while others reach active mailboxes. The part of the address before the @ symbol does not need to be the one you use for the mail to reach your mailbox.
As well as blocking the message you can also help yourself further by reporting spam to the originating Internet Service Provider (ISP). "

I got this info from my LycosMail Account Help Screen
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

anupamsinha said:
Probably a screenshot of the first mail you recieved with all the mail headers would be better.
comeon..... i have given it already.... pls click the links to see what u wanted....

ashu said:
N i not got your last screen shot


blive it or not... this is an email.... which has nothing... no address.... so sub.... no time... no text.... nothing.... just this what i showed u.....

ashu said:
then one thing i would like to say is tht address mentioned in CC is always visible.......N those of bcc are not when you view mail in simple screen shot showed by you in which bcc addressess visible in full header.......thn i come to know only tht it depand on mail server side wht it provide to you......
as on mine institute mail server ......u dont able to see bcc name in either normal or full header view.....
screen shots here......

did u see my first screen shot??

as i run the same test with my 3 email address (to see whether i can find/view my Y! address which should b in the bcc colum...).... few replys here does maintion that i shouldnt able to see the bcc colum.... but i can see the bcc colum & the Y! address is present there....
the test was like this... i went to my hot mail account.... then from there i send an email to sify (saurav_abc) cc rediff (n7610)  & the last bcc Y! (saurav_abc).....
now view the post few of the few of the guyes said in this case even in the full header view i wouldnt b able to see my Y! address.... this will make a illusion that this mail wasnt send to Y! saurav_abc but still saurav got this.... but thats not the case.... i run this 3-4 times with deferents mail service keeping the Y! in the bcc colum.... but every time i can find that Y! address is there in the fullheader view bcc colum.... so thats mean if u get an email u will find ur address some here in the To, CC or in the bcc colum.... thats the basic rule of email (at list i think...).... but the email that i maintioned i just cant find my address there.....

but i have to reunderstand the rule of email after i saw ur screen shot... yes there isnt any cc or bcc colum in ur iit mailing service.... but what about the Y! i suggest u better run a test what or exactly how i did... see the result.... here u will find the cc or bcc colum & ur address.... otherway the email wont reach ur mail box....

but the the problemd email what i got.... doent contain my address any where.... thats why i maintiond that
Yahoo Sends A's email to B's Inbox...

& guys i know these emails might be or they r spam... but the q isnt about whether they spam or not but about how Y! handels the emails....
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

abhijit said:
The part of the address before the @ symbol does not need to be the one you use for the mail to reach your mailbox.
pls explain...

& tell me in that case i will not be able to see my (where the email in right now) email adress any where in the fullheader view....????

abhijit said:
thereby effectively guessing email addresses, then send out bulk emails

thats my point... when they randomly select email address by software... then my address can be there... no pro... but when u recive the email that mean email is sent to ur address (may be along with 10000000000000 email address)...... may be among that larg no only ur address is active so u will get the mail.... but u will find ur address some where among those addresses...... i never got this king of email exsept for this one.....

& of ur point i gave another clasic spam fullheader view scren shot..... see in there with 100000 email address i can my address.... but on in this case...


Broken In
anupamsinha said:
Hi Saurav

Probably a screenshot of the first mail you recieved with all the mail headers would be better.

Perform a simple test.

Mail yourself a mail from yahoo with some address in the to field and bcc yourself at your yahoo address. Then see the complete headers. Do you see your name in the bcc col?

Did you follow the instructions as suggested. Note the items in bold.

I have mailed you from my yahoo account see whether you can see your name in the bcc col?

- Snake -

Broken In
mohit said:
hey dude that is a phishing scam and i have also received a similar mail and hey dont worry i think the sloution to your problem is simple ... maybe your address i.e saurav_abc was in the BCC field ... i think thats why you are not being shown the other recepients other than those in the "to" field ...

I am with him man....


Broken In
hey..ya ur rite.Bcc is thr....
bt u might nt read my full post......i said also tht it depand on mail service provider which N wht he waana you to see.......As i learn tht by our own mail service....
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