Wise Old Owl
I used authy code which was shown 1-2 minutes ago and I successfully logged into forum.
Hackers can use this flaw.
I think it's because they are SVG but their size limit is not defined in whatever plugin is being used.The oversized smilies are different plugin I guess and the old smiles are set at correct size.
You have to pay for it to the theme author. Most still use light so only for that.Someone atleast remove the logo of Xenforo.. replace with digit.in
// ==UserScript==
// @name Digit forum logo replacer for Xenforo
// @description Replaces the default Xenforo logo with the Digit logo from the main digit website.
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @include *geek.digit.in/community/*
// ==/UserScript==
var digitLogoUrl = "*geek.digit.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Digit-Logo_122x52-px.png";
var xpath = "html/body/div[1]/header/div/div/div/a/img";
var logoElement = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
if(logoElement.getAttribute("src") === "/community/styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-logo.png")
logoElement.setAttribute("src", digitLogoUrl);
Yes, this the one.
I am admin, but I don't have too many privileges. I cannot change the forum structure or look and feel. I can only manage users. Proper admins like @Raaabo or @Anorion can make bigger changes.Yes, this the one.
If you are admin here and have to xenforo control panel , you can change it.
Follow this post : XF 2.1 - How to delete and replace the existing logo
May be you can forward this post to them :
I always thought it was a feature(minimalism & all that)Apparently dark mode users are unable to view details like join date and message count. @Anorion @Raaabo