X server not running in FreeBSD 7

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I have an acer aspire 5920 with Intel C2D T5550, 2 GB DDR2, Mobile Intel GMA X3100 etc.

I have recently installed FreeBSD 7 to dual-boot with my windows xp but I am not able to start the X server. I tried to generate a conf file using xorgcfg but did not work. I am attaching the log. Before I generated a conf file, the X server used to give an error citing "Module fbdev not found."


18 Till I Die............
I don't see any errors in the log file.
Do this.
Pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf
grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log >> xorg_errors
Then pastebin the xorg_errors file.
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