Windows 7 is stealing my HDD space!! WTH?


Super Moderator
Staff member
what settings are you using in windows update?i use windows 7 32bit & my C drive size is 15.9gb(free space 1.33gb) & after the latest updates(yesterday on 11th july) size of winsxs folder is 6.14gb.i check for updates manually & only install security fixes(& not performance/optional fixes).


In the zone
Have you checked \Windows\Installer folder. That folder takes around 7 GB on my disk. I guess some/most of those files are safe to be deleted.

Also go to \Users\AppData and check for applications which take a lot of space; try clearing their cache, deleting profiles etc.
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Human Spambot
@ razorblade- Installer folder? What's the path?

@whitestar- My update is automatic. Whenever there is an update it installs automatically.
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Wise Old Owl
You have mentioned one directory taking up 8 GB of space. Where else is the space occupied?
Find out. Use either TreeSize Free (mentioned by a poster above) or WinDirStat.

Once you know where is the space occupied, you may go about finding strategies to free it up.


Right off the assembly line
Windows 7 HD gets filled up on it's own. What to do?

Okay, so I've attached the screenshots of my hd. One of them is from this tool windrstat; basically shows you a detailed structure of your memory. It shows me 108gb used and I've added up files on my own and it matches perfectly. But windows shows me that I just have 5gb left. What's wrong? Where's the rest 130gb? How do I free disk space?

Photo Album - Imgur
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Legend Never Ends
Re: Windows 7 HD gets filled up on it's own. What to do?

Really strange problem. try running a Antivirus scan and seee if this help

also try these-
CCleaner - PC Optimization and Cleaning - Free Download

and Wise Disk Cleaner - CNET


Broken In
Please do not delete anything from the 'Installer' Directory!
It contain's cached msi,msp and other files.If you remove files from there,you will have issues removing/updating presently installed applications.

Can you take a capture using 'Space Monger [tree view]' and post back the screenshot here?
SpaceMonger - CNET

What is the size of %temp% and c:\windows\temp ?


Right off the assembly line
Re: Windows 7 HD gets filled up on it's own. What to do?

I switched off system restore. Got around 30GB back. But still over 100GB unaccounted for. Could there be more such hidden/encrypted files?


Wise Old Owl
It seems that there are 2 separate users here post the thread merger cited above and this will cause utter confusion. Although issues appear similar underlying cause could be entirely different and trying to help will be frustrating.


Please run a WinDirStat scan of your drive C (Windows 7 installation). Then on the results page please go through individual directories and see where is the space actually being used. Only then can you expect meaningful solutions.

NOTE : Although the set-up of keeping your operating system and programs on separate partitions appears beautiful theoretically, in practice it is useless and also causes irritation. Suppose your operating system crashes and you need to reinstall it, the programs may not work from their previous installations as many many registry entries will be missing. Freeing up space by removing programs also becomes tricky.


Now your case indeed seems funny. Where is all that 100+ GB of hard disk space hiding? If it was in side the SW_preload partition, it must have been visible. And SW_preload seems a funny name for a system directory.

Please run the in-built Windows partition manager / disk manager and check the partitions. Is there a hidden partition or something?
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Right off the assembly line

Now your case indeed seems funny. Where is all that 100+ GB of hard disk space hiding? If it was in side the SW_preload partition, it must have been visible. And SW_preload seems a funny name for a system directory.

Please run the in-built Windows partition manager / disk manager and check the partitions. Is there a hidden partition or something?

I know, right? I just can't figure it out. Lol about the name, it's my mom's office laptop, funny things parents do :D

In all probability there isn't any. Still, where's this partition manager?


In the zone
why don't you make junction for some huge folders on cdrive to another drive using junction.exe (
i have use this to free space on my pc
1. moved my user folder to another drive
2.always install programs to another drive and changed the default location within registry
3.don't use hibernation (delete hiber.sys file on cdrive by using "powercfg -h off" command)
4.moved virtual memory to another drive
5.made junction for user\local\google 1.21gb
user\LocalLow\Google\ 768mb
WINDOWS\Installer 2.21gb
WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET 848mb
use it with caution and use properly ,otherwise some abnormality will arise.

even after doing that i have 2.67gb free of much for cdrive or windows,god knows.

you can try these methods.


Broken In
Well this is highly unlikely but I think the temp(temporary) files are eating it.
Use Ccleaner to get rid of all the temp files.
If you think it's due to updates then turn them off via Control Panel, or you can delete them also I think.