windows 7 doesnt boot with second hdd


Broken In
I currently have a 500gb HDD with win 7on it.when I connect my friends HDD with no os and set mine as first boot priority it loads up to win 7 screen then goes to starts checking my friends HDD...any solution?

- - - Updated - - -

Problem update...can't boot into safe mode with the second HDD connected....tried ininstalling os with only the second HDD says no HDD found then got bsod


Broken In
But my HDD was set as first boot it has to boot from mine...with second HDD connected it doesn't go past the chkdsk safe mode doesn't load...even installing an is takes forever...


Super Moderator
Staff member
you pc config ? First make sure the PSU can handle two HDDs. Also make sure the dat cable and sata / ide ports on the mobo are all ok.


Cyborg Agent
is the HDD detected in BIOS?
do you have any idea what volumes / file system was there if any on that other hdd received from your friend or was it kind of raw?

many bad sectors on HDD may also prevent windows from installing.
Try booting thru some live linux distro and run smartctl command or look for some disk GUI tool therein that shows HDD SMART parameters? It may give you some idea of the HDD health as well. Tool like GParted in Linux will show you the partitions/ file system etc as well.
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