Will I regret buying a Galaxy Note-2?

With my N900 slowly fading, being a headphone killer it has killed 3 of my headphones. The latest casualty is the Nokia BH 905. I am searching for a new powerful device that is future proof for atleast 3-4 years. I am always a big screen fan and I always use my smartphone for daily purposes like

1) GPS
2) Internet
3) Music
4) Taking immediate notes and
5) Sometimes watching videos

Should I throw my money on Galaxy Note-2 that will be released sometime by the end of September? I don't like the look of Galaxy S3.

I usually prefer WP8 over Android devices. But time is running short, don't know how much more time next generation Lumias (920 and 820) will be available in market. If these devices take 2-3 months, I can't wait that long.

So what is your openion on GS Note-2?
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