Why You are There At Digit Chatroom(IRC)????

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* Teh Flirt King *
gaurav_indian said:
hehe woh bhi try kar lo.:p

Abe IRC bhi use karna nahii aata.. :p

Ek kaam kar....

Download XChat for windows or Lin (Googling to aati hai naa..?:D )

Start it... (Install it first though.. :p)
Put ur desired username... (I suggest Gaurav_Hindian :D)
Connect to FreeNode Server...
Put "Digit" in Channel name.

Now enjoy IRC.
Its as simple as that.

Or click this link

Make sure u have installed Java 1.4 or above.


room is empty now:(
its just me & chanserv
chanserv is better than you people, it stays all the time:D


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
168 Lines of pure goof :D

Are we goofing at the IRC :D

<mehulved> but why fall?
<gary4gar> mehulved, also do i need to put the full path of installion file?
<QwertyM> fall ?
<QwertyM> installation ?
<QwertyM> also ?
<QwertyM> full ?
<QwertyM> file ?
<kalpik> path ?
<kalpik> need ?
<QwertyM> hehe
<kalpik> hehe ?
<mehulved> fsck ?
<QwertyM> kalpik ?
<mehulved> unzip ?
<gary4gar> input file
<QwertyM> 6 bucks?
<gary4gar> i meant :p
<kalpik> input ?
<gary4gar> yeah
<mehulved> ergheyheyh
<Ankur_Gupta> WTH ?
<mehulved> aryrghrg
<mehulved> ryhehergh
<mehulved> efrefvfwegfgfr
<kalpik> gary4gar, DUDE you make WEIRD typos!
<Ankur_Gupta> thts nt the way mehulved
<gary4gar> WTH mehulved
<mehulved> hthetyertgrgtgf
<mehulved> rgghhhffd
<mehulved> gfsgrsbvbjth
<kalpik> /ban mehulved
<mehulved> ,,,,,,,,....
<QwertyM> ban ?
<Ankur_Gupta> dont clean your keyboard nw mehulved
<QwertyM> clean ?
<gary4gar> mehulved, is a spammer
<QwertyM> dont ?
<QwertyM> your?
<QwertyM> nw ?
<QwertyM> spammer?
<gary4gar> spam
<QwertyM> spam ?
<gary4gar> yeah
<kalpik> spam ? ?
<QwertyM> yeah ?
<kalpik> yeah ? ?
<gary4gar> yes
<gary4gar> yes
<QwertyM> yes ?
<kalpik> hahahahaha
* X_Charan (n=opera@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #digit
<QwertyM> gary4gar ?
<kalpik> X_Charan, ?
<gary4gar> QwertyM, ?
<QwertyM> X_Charan, ? ?
<gary4gar> kalpik, ?
<X_Charan> ??
<gary4gar> Ankur_Gupta, ?
<QwertyM> ?? ?
<gary4gar> ??
<X_Charan> ????
<QwertyM> ???? ?
<gary4gar> ???????
<X_Charan> ??
<X_Charan> lol
<X_Charan> ?
<QwertyM> ?? ?
<gary4gar> ? ? ?
* Ankur (n=Ankur@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #digit
<gary4gar> ?????
<QwertyM> lol ?
<kalpik> Ankur, ?
<X_Charan> ???
<gary4gar> Ankur, ?
<QwertyM> Ankur: ?
<X_Charan> =))
<X_Charan> kalpik: ??
<gary4gar> mehulved, ?
<QwertyM> =)) ?
<X_Charan> QwertyM: ??
<X_Charan> ????
<X_Charan> ??
* Ankur_Gupta has quit (Nick collision from services.)
<QwertyM> ?? ?
<gary4gar> X_Charan, ?
<X_Charan> =))
<QwertyM> Nick?
<X_Charan> gary4gar: ??
* Ankur is now known as Ankur_Gupta
<QwertyM> Collision ?
<kalpik> collision?
<QwertyM> known ?
<mehulved> chalo g'nite everyone. time to sleep with the books
<QwertyM> as ?
<X_Charan> comfulsed??
<QwertyM> books?
<kalpik> books ?
<QwertyM> bye?
<X_Charan> mehulved: ??
<QwertyM> sleep?
* Voldy has quit (No route to host)
<QwertyM> good?
<QwertyM> night?
<X_Charan> ha ha ha ha
<kalpik> route?
<QwertyM> route?
<QwertyM> :eek: ?
<kalpik> ha? ha? ha? ?
<gary4gar> lol
<X_Charan> !!!
<QwertyM> lol ?
<QwertyM> !!! ?
<X_Charan> :D :D :D
* Ankur_Gupta has quit (Nick collision from services.)
<X_Charan> :| :| :|
<QwertyM> :D ? :D ? :D ?
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to gary4gar
<X_Charan> o_O
* gary4gar sets mode +m #digit
<gary4gar> peace now
<kalpik> :s
<gary4gar> :D
* #digit :Cannot send to channel
* QwertyM has quit (Client Quit)
* Ankur_Gupta (n=Ankur@xxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #digit
<kalpik> hello
* #digit :Cannot send to channel
* X_Charan (n=opera@xxxxxxxxxxxx) has left #digit
* X_Charan (n=opera@xxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #digit
<gary4gar> aah all ? gone now
* QwertyM (n=harsh@unaffiliated/qwertym) has joined #digit
<gary4gar> cool
* gary4gar sets mode -m #digit
<QwertyM> cool?
* gary4gar removes channel operator status from gary4gar
<X_Charan> ?
<QwertyM> ? ?
<X_Charan> lol what hapnd :D
<gary4gar> heh started again :p
* chaitan3 (n=chaitan3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) has joined #Digit
<X_Charan> damit .. I lost that
* QwertyM plays the bongos
<QwertyM> bong bong bong
<X_Charan> gary4gar: copy that whole content'
<QwertyM> bong bo bo bong
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with qwerty
<gary4gar> X_Charan, ?
<QwertyM> bo bo bong bong bo bo bong
<X_Charan> :-??
<QwertyM> bong bang bo bang bong bang bo bo bang bong
<X_Charan> gary4gar: all that ??? and post it in digit =))
* QwertyM resets
<mehulved> no bongs here
<kalpik> X_Charan, lol! good idea!
<QwertyM> bo
<QwertyM> bo bo
<X_Charan> :D
<QwertyM> bo bo bo
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with QwertyM
<QwertyM> bo bo bo bo bo
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with QwertyM
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with QwertyM
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with QwertyM
* X_Charan slaps a large trout around a bit with QwertyM
<kalpik> flood!
* QwertyM slaps X_Charan with a blue screen of death
<X_Charan> QwertyM: has gone nuts :D


Damm.. my typos:D
i am nicknamed "TypoMaster" there

why you posted the logs?
:lol: now everyone know :p


* Teh Flirt King *
Its fun there... hehe.. I m the one who introduced love talk there :p

Yeah ,... Anyone need Love -Advice can come there and meet me.. :D ;)


die blizzard die! D3?


somebody tell me how to log in via irrsi.I can connect to freenode by /connect command but how to join rooms?


Think Zen.
Darn its blocked by my company firewall.
Thats why cudnt connect.
You guys know of a site that doesnt use java to connect?
Cos i dont have jre installed on my office pc.



rayraven said:
dude,they blocked the site and the ports,
its not the client thats the problem.

can you tell which ports are open, one has to be 80
is port 22 also open??
If ssh is available, personally I prefer the use of screen+irssi(+bitlbee). You can connect to the ssh-server, re-attach an older screen-session in which you have your irssi running. Fire up the away-log to see if you missed stuff. And then Bitlbee also allows you to use yahoo, jabber etc. via irssi.
and if port 22 is also closed then
try this
CGI:IRC is a Perl/CGI program that lets you access IRC from a web browser, it is designed to be flexible and has many uses such as an IRC gateway for an IRC network, a chat-room for a website or to access IRC when stuck behind a restrictive firewall.
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