why KDE Sucks


Cyborg Agent
Obsessed with K-K3B,KONQUEROR,K***
  • FIREFoX on kde sucks
  • Nvidia driver support is not good
  • Konqueror is slow
  • very less tools for kde
  • dolphin cannot mount xp hdd..without manual fstab entry
  • kde 64 octave has bugs...memory prob n cant start
i had lot of -ve exp with kde...donno bad system or luck...kde never works to extent i xpect...

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

i hope kde 4.5 will do some good
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KDE has nothing to do with your nvidia drivers. Which distro are you using? Are you talking about the ugly looks of FF in kde4? One has to install gtk-qt-engine and qt-curve themes to make gtk apps look like native kde4s.


* FIREFoX on kde sucks
How so ?
* Nvidia driver support is not good
What does KDE have to do with Nvidia driver support?
* Konqueror is slow
Slow doing what ? Just opening ? Browsing ? ....
* very less tools for kde
This is a new one. I was of the impression that it had more tools.
* dolphin cannot mount xp hdd..without manual fstab entry
If I recall right all I have is ntfs-3g and I have acess to all my Windows XP partitions.
* kde 64 octave has bugs...memory prob n cant start
64 bit for every distro is a touchy subject. Have you given the 32 bit a try?
i had lot of -ve exp with kde...donno bad system or luck...kde never works to extent i xpect...
KDE is doing fine for me although I don't have your expectations so my perception might differ.


Cyborg Agent
^^ id sont get total plasma desktop

i get blurred background n 16bit color only

wer as in gnome i have 1680x1050@32bit...it had allowed use of propreitary drivers...i cant find that in kde

wat worst was i wasnt able to boot kde11-fedora in my pc...while buntu was doin good...i know both cd are intact


Wise Old Owl
Obsessed with K-K3B,KONQUEROR,K***
  • FIREFoX on kde sucks
  • Nvidia driver support is not good
  • Konqueror is slow
  • very less tools for kde
  • dolphin cannot mount xp hdd..without manual fstab entry
  • kde 64 octave has bugs...memory prob n cant start
i had lot of -ve exp with kde...donno bad system or luck...kde never works to extent i xpect...

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

i hope kde 4.5 will do some good

I've been using KDE SC 4.4.4 for more than six months without any problems. Well, I don't know about those windows related problems because I've been a full time Linux user since 3 years. Infact I don't like GNOME much.

My distro: Arch Linux.

Also I feel the same as Filled Void, KDE has no doubt more tools and applets as compared to GNOME.

KDE has nothing to do with your nvidia drivers. Which distro are you using? Are you talking about the ugly looks of FF in kde4? One has to install gtk-qt-engine and qt-curve themes to make gtk apps look like native kde4s.

Exactly !
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wat worst was i wasnt able to boot kde11-fedora in my pc...while buntu was doin good...i know both cd are intact
Did you try KDE on Ubuntu ? I haven't used much of Fedora although I hear its a pretty well polished distro.


is NOT a PC/Mac
There are some common problems with KDE and display drivers. Refer to this thread *forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6971&sid=54d69b53d9fab6d1a320b1e46e22cfbf


Wise Old Owl
Well, I don't have Nvidia / ATI and neither interested to have one. I have the inbuilt Intel's video card and am happy with it. I don't use faildows (a.k.a windows), so hard core games are out of question. I just play some small games like megamario, etc. when I'm bored. Most of the time, I do programming.


There are some common problems with KDE and display drivers. Refer to this thread *forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f...20b1e46e22cfbf
That thread is from 2008 D: . The last few posts a majority say they dont have an issue at all. But I guess there might be some problems. However I have been using an nVidia 8600 GT and a Ati 5670 and I don't have issues on either of the systems. This is using KDE on Ubuntu.


is NOT a PC/Mac
That thread is from 2008 D: . The last few posts a majority say they dont have an issue at all. But I guess there might be some problems. However I have been using an nVidia 8600 GT and a Ati 5670 and I don't have issues on either of the systems. This is using KDE on Ubuntu.
Maybe the thread is older, I didn't take a closer look into it. But I didn't have any problems with either KDE/GNOME using any of nVidia/Ati cards. So far I have used nVidia GeForce FX5200 and now nVidia GTX 260 and Ati HD4200 on dad's PC. Not a single problem with any desktop environments.


Broken In
Has some common problems with bluetooth stack and other applications solved ? It is more cluttered DE... more towards windows like... someone who like minimalistic approach would never prefer kde


Lets get these things straight: Those who crib about kde vs Gnome doesnt look at their goals or philosophy behind their approach to DE.

GNOME gives a toned down version aka few but essential options to users. Some might term this as restrictive. KDE gives all the options to users and leaves users to decide what they want to do do with those options. This is freedom.

GNOME thinks their users to be lame while KDE gives total freedom to their users. They dont decide for us.
GNOME hasnt changed for millions of years; KDE4 has albiet radically from rock solid 3.5 to 4.x
The less said about looks the better. GNOME looks dated, pathetic, shameful to show to fellows, boring, lacking, slow pace of development and too much hurrah with additions of even rudimentary features.
KDE4 is not like Windows as some may think; its features have been ripped by MS. KDE4 is very flexible, full of features (a little too much for average Joe), on its way to be stable (i feel its stable already), much faster development time. However it may require some modern hardware to run with its full glory.

GNOME is built on KISS(Keep It Simple Silly); so i agree some features on it, say bluetooth, are better implemented than KDE4. Its much lighter on resources but so is XFCE4, another complete DE and in my opinion, better than GNOME.

So the choice is yours. For some KDE4 might be too much but for some it hits the sweet spot.
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Staff member
i r gnome. Its not restrictive provided u r not a newbie to it. Atleast i never felt any hindrance.

KDE is beautiful but i like my elegant gnome.


Wire muncher!
GNOME thinks their users to be lame while KDE gives total freedom to their users. They dont decide for us.
GNOME hasnt changed for millions of years; KDE4 has albiet radically from rock solid 3.5 to 4.x
The less said about looks the better. GNOME looks dated, pathetic, shameful to show to fellows, boring, lacking, slow pace of development and too much hurrah with additions of even rudimentary features.
I would disagree on both.

1) GNOME has as many options as KDE. Some maybe accessible via GUI, some are via config files/gconf-editor. The number of options are definitely equal or more than KDE. I've never felt I miss something on GNOME as compared to KDE.

2) GNOME hasn't changed from the "outside". But the worst thing about it is that in every revision, they change a ton of things behind the scenes and that's the reason why you see Mac4Lin not carried over to the next version without any issues. There is somewhere or the other thing. If they don't have anything to change, they will rename the icons, just for the sake of it. That is one of the reasons why I kind of hate GNOME, for, after every release I need to re-work on Mac4Lin, not to enhance it, but to keep up with GNOME naming conventions.

3) Some of the best themes are available for GNOME. The choice of window managers is so much that you will run out of time to try all the themes/UIs. You can replace Metacity with Emerald or A, or B or C. There are a ton of alternatives.

Also, GNOME follows a 6month release cycle. So it is updated more frequently than KDE.
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