I am not a Fanboy, and hence I still use Yahoo.Surprised you people still Yahoo! (rather Yahoo?). G is better for me.
I am not a Fanboy, and hence I still use Yahoo.
I do use G also. But it doesnt mean I have dumped Y.
I like using Y,G,M,S...all of them, for the various options they provide.
and Ymail is still my primary mail id.
Fanboy! Me! No. Just that Yahoo was getting too much bloated and unreliable. Also I don't chat in public rooms, which is why most (not all) use Y!. Gtalk is good for me as I use it with friends and relatives who are in my contact list. Also no ads, stupid questions etc. Does the work just enough. Same goes with GMail.
Something that I (really) hate about Yahoo Msgr is, it asks for my preferences, and forgets about it. Each and every time it asks me "Do You Really want to exit?".
And I have not dumped Yahoo. Yet.