Which LINUX should I use ?

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Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Thanx for ur replies desertwind, :)

Well, I installed Rhythmbox but wen i tried to play a MP3 song, then it said this:
There is no plugin installed to handle a MP3

Also, My ADSL Router is not getting Automatically detected by Linux.. How can i manually install it and (if im not mistaken) then i shud be using FIREFOX browser (same as IE) to access the net(after my Router is being detected) rite?? :? Coz my Router was showing as connected but wen i tried to use Firefox web browser to access a site like yahoo, then it said this:
www.yahoo.com could not be found. Please check the name and try again.

Also please tell me, where is the Control panel in Linux (if any) so tat i can see wat all the Linux OS has detected in my system..

Cheers n n e-peace...


Cyborg Agent
FC doesn't support patended software formats (which includes mp3) out of the box. You should install mp3 plugins for rhythmbox or any other player you use.

wyum install gstreamer-plugins-mp3

or download and install manually. ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/rpm.livn...streamer-plugins-mp3-0.8.8-0.lvn.1.4.i386.rpm

Please visit Stanton Finley's note, it has answer to almost all your questions.

Well, about your router, which one are you using ? usb or ethernet ?

There is no such thing as a control panel in windows. All the utitlities can be ound under Desktop>Preferences and System Settings


Cyborg Agent
Ya, VLC plays almost all files. But only almost. I've got some files which my VLC refuses to play. But I've a player which plays all files i've encountered. Mplayer with all codecs installed.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
desertwind wrote:
Well, about your router, which one are you using ? usb or ethernet ?

There is no such thing as a control panel in windows. All the utitlities can be ound under Desktop>Preferences and System Settings
Thanx for ur reply wind, well i hv a D-Link USB Router (DSL 502 T) and i will surely use the Stanton Finley notes :) surely..

BTW, I hv d/laoded the plugin from this site tat u gave: [url]ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/rp...streamer-plugins-mp3-0.8.8-0.lvn.1.4.i386.rpm
[/url]But since now im using my WIN XP OS and replying here in this forum, the plugin is in the type of RPM file.. :? I think i will hv to configure the net connection from my LINUX OS to start using the benefits as from this WIN XP OS of mine its not tat helpful.. :(

Do u knw of any audio players for Linux tat Digit gave in its issudes lately ??? if yes then i shud be installing it directly from the Digit CD/DVD rather than d/loading from net.. isint it !! :?
Cheers n e-peace.....


I meant if you have VLC on FC4 then do you have to install MP# codecs or not. And i guess if you need the codecs then we cant call it complete media player


Cyborg Agent
No probs. As you have dloaded the rpm file, just double click it while you're on FC4. And yes you'll have to configure Net on FC4 for enjoying its possiblilities to the fullest.

And regarding the Router config, i'll get back to you. right now i'm a little busy.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
@ desertwind

Sure no problem bro :) take ur time, but wen ur free jus tell me how to configure the Router and also the NEt so tat i can atleast d/load critical and important plugins for Linux audio players :)

And for tat RPM file, is there any way tat i can tranfer that file from my WIN OS to LINUX other than burning that file onto a CD :? , coz i hv d/loaded tat file in my WIN OS, if not then i will jus transfer it by burning it onto my CD.... :)

Cheers n e-peace.....


In the zone
Mount the windows partition in linux

fdisk -lu

normally C:\ will be hda1 and D:\ will be hda5 and so on..

create a folder in /mnt say, winpart

then on cmd line..

if partition is Fat32
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/winpart

if partition is NTFS
mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/winpart

The standard form of the mount command, is
mount -t type device dir

man mount for more details.. :)


Cyborg Agent
OK, i just found out that the router you using have an ethernet port as well, so I'd suggest you to use ethernet instead of usb.

You can configure your adsl using Applications>System Tools>Internet Configuration wizard, if you want a "Connect-on-Demand" solution. If you want an "Always-on" solution you could refer to This Thread, obviously with a different set of values. use the following values for primary and secondary Name servers.


nach p said:
Hey ,doodz I am using Xp sp2 .I want to install Linux as 2nd OS on hard disk.
I want to know that which Linux should be appropriate (Installation as well as learning point of view )for me as NEWBIES ,so that I will download it.
Please ,Help me guys.
Thank U in advance

get 'fedora core' , ull learn a lot. dont use all those xandros and lindows(now linspire) n all windows sort of linux flavours. :wink: i have xp sp2 n fc4
nach p

nach p

Thnx for u r so early reply but I installed FC4 only some days before.
If you have read this whole thread and some threads in Open Source then you may came to know before posting reply.


Wise Old Owl
ashu888ashu888 said:
desertwind wrote:
Well, about your router, which one are you using ? usb or ethernet ?

There is no such thing as a control panel in windows. All the utitlities can be ound under Desktop>Preferences and System Settings
Thanx for ur reply wind, well i hv a D-Link USB Router (DSL 502 T) and i will surely use the Stanton Finley notes :) surely..

BTW, I hv d/laoded the plugin from this site tat u gave: [url]ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/rp...streamer-plugins-mp3-0.8.8-0.lvn.1.4.i386.rpm
[/url]But since now im using my WIN XP OS and replying here in this forum, the plugin is in the type of RPM file.. :? I think i will hv to configure the net connection from my LINUX OS to start using the benefits as from this WIN XP OS of mine its not tat helpful.. :(

Do u knw of any audio players for Linux tat Digit gave in its issudes lately ??? if yes then i shud be installing it directly from the Digit CD/DVD rather than d/loading from net.. isint it !! :?
Cheers n e-peace.....
Digit once gave mplayer but in source format not rpm... You have to compile and install it.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
desertwind wrote:
OK, i just found out that the router you using have an ethernet port as well, so I'd suggest you to use ethernet instead of usb.

You can configure your adsl using Applications>System Tools>Internet Configuration wizard, if you want a "Connect-on-Demand" solution. If you want an "Always-on" solution you could refer to This Thread, obviously with a different set of values. use the following values for primary and secondary Name servers.
Bro, since this Router was given by the MTNL (for Broadband use) so i will hv to make use of it thru the UBS only :( and not the Ethernet so please tell me how can i configure my ADSL D-LINK ROUTER using the USB. It will be very much helpful to a newbie like me if u giv a detailed and/or a step-by-step procedure. I DO not want an "ALWAYS-ON" net connection but want a connection so tat i can Enable and Disable it at my convenience. :)

Naveen wrote:
Mount the windows partition in linux
fdisk -lu
normally C:\ will be hda1 and D:\ will be hda5 and so on..
create a folder in /mnt say, winpart
then on cmd line..
if partition is Fat32
mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/winpart
if partition is NTFS
mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/winpart
The standard form of the mount command, is
mount -t type device dir
man mount for more details..
1.) Can u please tell me where can i find this cmd line :?
2.)ALso my WIN XP PRO+SP2 OS is loaded onto the C:\ with a FAT32 filesystem.
3.)Is this so called cmd line same as we use Command prompt in WINDOWS ?

A simple and step-by-step reply will really help me alot... from u experts here :) please.. :)

Cheers n e-peace...

Satissh S

press [alt]+[F2] and type either gnome-terminal or konsole to get to the cmd line. Then type su and press [Enter] type the root password you gave on install and you'd be in root- mode.. Follow what naveen said.
And let me take the prievilage to introduce you to THE things in any *nix os. ;)
Commandline terminal rules the roost for most of us here..
Familiarise with it quickly.. the quicker, the better.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
@Satissh S

Thanx for ur reply bro :) Ok now after Mounting the Windows partition in Linux will i be able to access all my Linux files (wich i hv d/loaded thru the net in Windows OS ) ?? :?

I will try out the mounting part and will let u guys know :)

BTW, Satish can u giv me a link so tat i can learn more of the LINUX commands and can use it effectively and learn them.

Cheers n e-peace.....


Cyborg Agent
Hmmm... so the router doesn't hav an ethernet option ? Strange.
I have't used that modem, so let me do some research on that.

Well, you wont able to browse your linux partition within windows without the help of a 3rd party tool. A good tool is Explore2FS.

Well, 'tis good that you are now interested in learning things. A good place to start with is The Linux Documentation Project.

@ashu: could you please post output of the following from a terminal

cat /proc/modules


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
@ desertwind
Hmmm... so the router doesn't hav an ethernet option ? Strange.
I have't used that modem, so let me do some research on that.

Well, you wont able to browse your linux partition within windows without the help of a 3rd party tool. A good tool is Explore2FS.

Well, 'tis good that you are now interested in learning things. A good place to start with is The Linux Documentation Project.

@ashu: could you please post output of the following from a terminal

cat /proc/modules
1.) Well i mean the router has an Ethernet port but i dnt hv a LAN card in my PC to be able to connect the Router to my CPU via the LAN CARD so my only option is to configure the Router via the USB cable that i hv.

2.) And, I wanna browse my Windows partition within Linux also, so will that s/ware work in Linux too?? and For browsing my Windows partition within Linux, i will hv to Mount my C:\ in Linux) Right ? :?

3.) I installed the Explore2FS and plz tell me how to use it (for browsing Linux in my Win XP) and wat all things can i do with this s/ware. Is it only for viewing or can i drag and drop the Linux related files stored in WIN XP to Linux (in a particular folder like /home) ??? :?

Thanx for the link bro :)

4.) BTW wat did u mean by this:
could you please post output of the following from a terminal

cat /proc/modules
:? :?

Cheers n e-peace.....


18 Till I Die............
ashu888ashu888 said:
Well i mean the router has an Ethernet port but i dnt hv a LAN card in my PC to be able to connect the Router to my CPU via the LAN CARD so my only option is to configure the Router via the USB cable that i hv.

And, I wanna browse my Windows partition within Linux (and vice versa too) so will that s/ware be good enough !! (For browsing my Windows partition within Linux, i will hv to Mount my C:\ in Linux) Right !!
Can't you get a LAN card. It costs 300-400 AFAICR?
To mount windows partition in linux you need to add this line to /etc/fstab file
For NTFS(Read Only):-
/dev/hdax       /media/windows  ntfs    defaults         0       0
For FAT32(Read Write)
/dev/hdax       /media/windows  vfat    defaults         0       0

And coming to your next query
could you please post output of the following from a terminal

cat /proc/modules
Open the terminal in linux and type
cat /proc/modules
or better type
 cat /proc/modules>modules
The second code will give the output in a file named module in the directory in which you give the command ie present working directory aka pwd. Then you can post the contents of the file modules here.
PS :- You needn't name the file as modules, it is only an example and file can be called anything.


Cyborg Agent
1. owning an ethernet card is much simpler and hassle free option. Ofcourse there are ways for configuring internet via usb.

2. You dont need any extra software for viewing your win partition under gnu/linux. just mount it, and start browsing.

3. you should have some basic knowledge on the ext3 filesystem to use Explore2FS. You can copy files from linux partition to windows partition, but dont do otherwise. writing onto linux partition using that software is too dangerous. For doing that mount your win partition and copy the files needed. In any case you wont need the software at all. you can to and from win partition by mounting it.

4. Answered. Post the output now.
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