naveen_reloaded said:
how about the razer???? does anyone know about that famous THING???
and also i have seen for a simple file to be tranferrred over to moto thru takes thatright.,..,,.,????
You heard the right thing dude, MOTO sucks,
one of my friend bought MOTOSLVR L6 for his father. used that for a day and found out that while using Bluetooth, it takes a hell lot of time and many are failed. even the suppiorting java (.jar) were not transfered...
and another thing, the screen looks big but the actual screen is small.
about MOTO RAZOR, when it was launched some 2 years back, was a dream of many and my girlfriend. but when we really went to buy that ---> was like a creepy and heavy metal biscuit. Sucks, was not that good as we thought and the vendor himself suggested not to go for it as it has the proble in BLUETHOOTH.
Well till now NOKIA rocks man. M using 6680 and my girl has 6600 so we are quite satisfied with it.