which is best-looking Linux Distib

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IronMan; Ready to Roll...
Why dont you want to use the extensive customisation options available to make linux the way you want it. Basically you can make all new Linux OSes to look wonderful.. :neutral: Go for Ubuntu/openSUSE, etc.

Cool G5

Conversation Architect
I liked Open Suse. Fedora too looks classy.
At the end of the day you can always customise it. Thousand of resources are available on the web.


Debian Gnu/Linux User
but ubuntu has font rendering problems in KDE desktop environment..
it it not look like gnome..

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Mandriva 2009.0 Gnome Edition.. People recommend anthing without noticing the flaws.. Ubuntu has some serious Kernel and Alsa regression with 8.10 .. So if you wanna try Ubuntu get 8.04 instead :)
OpenSUSE is pretty cool
Ubuntu interface is really simplistic (I mean that in the +ve way)
But there are tons of 3rd party themes that will make it look like anything you want :D
Ubuntu died out an year and a half back as far as I am concerned.
Try as it may, to look and feel great on the outside, its broken and dead on the inside.
I wish Ubuntu went back to being compatible with Debian and got back its old speed.

Till then, I suggest everyone to use Dream Linux. Its an awesome replacement for ubuntu, and from my test runs, I noticed that its as usable by newbies as ubuntu itself.

And if you want something a touch more advanced, and yet debian based, feeling easy to use but at the same time geekish, but on the graphical side, I recommend Sidux.

These two make great alternatives to Ubuntu, especially because they use the official Debian Repositories. They are also inherently lighter and faster due to the debian backend.

And NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, beats Debian Stable Gnome from being the best for enterprise grade server use. Ubuntu server is easily forgotton compared to this.


The Devil's Advocate
An honest question, why do people prefer gnome/debian based systems to KDE based other distros?


Simpsons rox
currently whether u like it or not ubuntu is most popular due to its simplicty and usability and all
and kubuntu has got seriously messed up with little attention also kde 4 probs not helping either
so gnome taking lead with stable environemnt
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