Which Distro is Right For Me ?

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Cyborg Agent
ok, im on links now in arch
installed irssi too
but i cant get x to start
tried xorgconfig
im at the irc channel getting help :-|


Pee into the Wind...
ok, im on links now in arch
installed irssi too
but i cant get x to start
tried xorgconfig
im at the irc channel getting help :-|
For arch newbies, it's best to follow the Beginner's Guide religiously.Most of the stuff you need to configure is in there.

BTW, I would like a distro suggestion too.My config is:
Intel Celeron 2.4 Ghz
1 Gb RAM
Intel 845 chipset
Enough hard drive space for a distro.;)

Main aim is to have something totally different from my current distros i.e Arch and Mandriva [my family members won't touch Arch with a yardstick..So I have to keep this one]. No, I don't need newbie oriented distros like OpenSUSe, Ubuntu, Fedora and stuff.

Slackware looked like a cool option until I learned that pkgtool doesn't have dependency check.Don't wanna go around hunting dependencies myself whenever I install a package .:-|
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Staff member
ok, im on links now in arch
installed irssi too
but i cant get x to start
tried xorgconfig
im at the irc channel getting help :-|
always remember to save a fav xorg.conf file from your other installations and copy it to any new install.

install gdm,xdm or kdm.


Staff member
^^congrats, so Arch can be installed by kids too.
While some others ran away after seeing CLI at boot...lolz


Violent serenity.
I have used Ubuntu 8.04 and liked it. Suggest me a good distro.

Use - eXplore Linux.
PC Conf. - E4500 + MSI945 + 2GB RAM + 8800GT 512MB + 19" LCD

I know basics of Linux. I prefer a GNOME or KDE desktop (dunno if there are more).


God of Mistakes...
^ lol
installing yaourt now
My pacman cache is 1.7 GB now...

I just copied packages from DVD (sent me by Filled-Void). That DVD is having many libraries, gnome, OO and other stuff...

If you want, then I can send u my pacman cache... I've installed x86_64
OK, I never saw your thread since I haven't been online for long.

Since you have 256KBPS UL Internet, and since you hate being spoon fed and at the same time you have brains, and since you want binaries for everything, there is no distro as perfect as Debian for you. By debian, I mean debian <<<unstable>>>. Use a variant of it called Sidux. It removes the unstability from debian, but at the same time, you DO get huge updates. Since you have UL internet it shouldn't be a problem. Getting 100mb updates every other day shouldn't be an issue at all IMO.

And yeah, Debian+IceWM on your rig would give INSANE FPS in Urban Terror. I MEAN it. Its so damn light.
im using
arch + ratpoison now
its light as hell
So you did go to arch... enjoying the uber insane frame rates ? :D
Yeah, Arch+RP would be the best, but I thought you were not at that level yet. But I guess I was wrong. Well then, congratulations on your arch install. Enjoy yourself. ;)
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