Which config to choose for gaming


Ambassador of Buzz
I've made a list of few configs and I'm confused that which one should I choose. My primary purpose is gaming. I read somewhere that OCing the CPU has negligible effect on games (just a gain of mere 2-3 fps). Please tell the best config for gaming among following :
1. Asus P8H77-M + Intel Core i5 2400 + Radeon HD 6950 (or 7850 if I get it here)
2. Asus P8P67 Pro + Intel Core i5 2500k + Sparkle GTX 560ti
3. MSI Z68A G45 + Intel Core i5 2500k + Radeon HD 6950
I want best at the budget so if OCing has negligible effect on gaming then I'll buy the 1st config. I know that I've a running thread on this section. MODs please close that thread and let this run.



Professional Newbie
MSi Z68A G45 seems to have mixed reviews. So I'd recommend the ASRock Z77 Extreme 4.
i5 2500k and HD 7850 looks good. Though if you can, you should wait for the Ivy Bridge lineup as it's at most a month away.


laborare est orare
No, it is the Sapphire dual Fan cooler version. Here Sapphire kept the reference VRM design but boosted it with a superb dual fan based cooler which also performs superb as per different reviews and also helps in high overclocking.


Ambassador of Buzz
Actually, the OC version is 15.8k + taxes and the normal one is 15k + taxes. So, which one to buy ?
BTW, i'm going for Asus p8h77 m + core i5 2400 + corsair gs600.
One last question. Should I go for 20'' screen or 22 ?
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Professional Newbie
No use going for that H77 model as you're buying SB CPU and even if you say that you want to change to IVB later then also no use buying because current gen H67 will also support IVB. If you want to spend that much money on MoBo then better go for ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 and i5 2500k or IVB i5-k series. If you want to remain with i5 2400 then buy Intel DH67CL(B3) at 5.5k. :) Also if you are not buying OCable CPu then just go for the Seasonic S12ii-520 PSU.

As for GPU why pay 800+taxes extra for something which you can do yourself for free?? :p (If you didn't understand what I meant by that, I'm telling you to buy the Non-OC model for 15k+taxes :p :p :D :D )


Ambassador of Buzz
^^I needed native USB 3.0 but no OCing, so h77 is perfect for me. I don't think that it'll create problems with SB cpus. A factory overclocked card generally comes with a better heatsink and cooler. I'll try bargaining and getting the OC edition card for 16k.


N00B Troller
H77 mobos IMO do not add much to the features of H67 chipset other than PCIe 3.0 and USB 3. But As everyone says buying newer gen products is always better you can go for it as the price difference between asus p8h77 m and h67m is about 650-700 rupees.

Regarding the Asrock Mobo , I dont think it is availabe in Kanpur and it would be very hard to get . But you can anytime buy a Gigabyte Z68 board which was about 8.5k (i dont remember) if it is available and if you're going for i5 2500k (which I think is highly unlikely).

And for Monitor it is better of getting a 22" as 20" dont have 1080p res. and if you're going with hd 7850 1080p would be pretty decent res. for it.


Ambassador of Buzz
^^I think 20" would be enough for gaming. In future, only few games would run at full hd res with everything maxxed out with a good fps. After an year I'll need to switch to 1680x1050. So I don't think 1680x1050 on 22" and 20" will make any big difference. Correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.


N00B Troller
There won't be much difference quality wise, 1920*1080 will just give you a slightly wider field of view, Its not a mindblowing difference but it is drastic and youll definitely see it and you'd expect a slight performance decrease.

Battlefield 3 runs at 45-47 fps with a Sapphire HD 7850 OC at 1080p with everything set to ultra . So, I dont think it should be much of a problem in future games but at some point you would have to change to new gen.

I too am going for Sapphire HD 7850 OC (I already have a 1080p screen). I think anything near HD 6950 is good for gaming at Full HD as I dont quite feel that a game is slow even if it is 32-35 fps constant but anything near 25 would hurt.
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Ambassador of Buzz
^^ I won't be upgrading anything for 4-5 years. I'll just keep reducing the resolution for gaming as the game starts stuttering at high settings.


laborare est orare
In one post you've mentioned that you need USB 3.0 support 'n that's why you're going for h77. But AFAIK, most of the H67 motherboards do come with USB 3.0 support.


Ambassador of Buzz
In one post you've mentioned that you need USB 3.0 support 'n that's why you're going for h77. But AFAIK, most of the H67 motherboards do come with USB 3.0 support.

But none of them comes with USB 3.0 internal header. BTW, are there any issues with H77 like the h67 sata port one ?


Ambassador of Buzz
No upgrade for 4-5years.
Strictly go for 2500k wid oc'ble mobo n 560ti/6950/7850

If I go with an i5 2500k, I won't be able to go for 7850. Moreover, I read that OCing would have just a little effect over gaming(just 4-5 fps gain). So it'd be better if I stick to 2400 with hd 7850.


Ambassador of Buzz
Is there significant performance difference between i5 2400 and i5 2500(non k) ? I bought the i5 2500 but still I have a choice of switching to i5 2400. Is it worth spending 1.5k more on i5 2500 ?
BTW, i got the AOC e2237FwH for 9k. Is it a good monitor ?


N00B Troller
The monitor AOC e2237FwH is passable monitor at 9k , it would have been better to buy a Benq 22" LED at 7.8k . Since the only difference between the Intel Core i5-2400 and the Intel Core i5-2500 is 200MHz in speed and since you are gaming it may cost you a few FPS but shouldnt really be an issue. The difference it will make in games will be barely noticeable, its not worth the 1.5k IMO.


SoLa BeLLaToR...
Not worth the 1.5k at the moment, but remember that its a locked processor, so its always wise to grab the one with higher clock speed so that it'll be beneficiary in the long run. BTW get something with an OC'ing potential buddy. Why invest such a hefty amount on a locked processor?
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