Which bank in india have an excellent internet banking facility?


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Take arguments to Private Messages.
I'm shocked how ignorant he could be. Today situation is such that a bank officer is attending to 10 people with 10 different issues all at once while ensuring better customer service as risk of losing good customers is always there & he's finding no workload :shock:

The IT guys find workload when a project comes to their notice, but bankers' projects are running 365 days a year :lol: Neither they're transferred on every 2-3 years frequently....even in some branches officers are called on Sundays to clear their branch managers' targets :shock: Enjoy your weekend , ahem, sunday , now :lol:
I've been in touch with a recent officer's batch of a public sector bank where some resigned from companies like Wipro, Infosys, tech mahindra,etc. Now after being ruthlessly handed serious risk bearing responsibility & posted in remote areas, they're regretting their decision.
my post wasn't meant to be something to be replied at and hence starting this off-topic crap again.


Human Spambot
Which is why it makes more strange how could you think bank staff is paid more than they deserve. If you have logical points please share other than insensitive remarks.
Maybe you have trouble understanding simple things. What I said before is my opinion, but my father also agrees with that! In fact he is the person who bashes more or less all the PSU banks, being an employee of a PSU bank.
Besides, I can say ANYTHING, as I'm entitled to my own opinion, learn to stop quoting people when you have no grasp on the subject.
[MENTION=26711]ico[/MENTION] : PMs are far more valuable thing dude. If this utter crap has to take PM route, then all the communities should close and everyone should take PM route. I think this is the place a mod might wanna do his job.


Wise Old Owl
Maybe you have trouble understanding simple things. What I said before is my opinion, but my father also agrees with that! In fact he is the person who bashes more or less all the PSU banks, being an employee of a PSU bank.
Besides, I can say ANYTHING, as I'm entitled to my own opinion, learn to stop quoting people when you have no grasp on the subject.
Anything doesn't mean you'll go & post nonsense. It's an advice to reply with logical answers, that makes for a healthy discussion & till now you haven't. I know what I'm saying since I'm a banker myself.


Human Spambot
I know what I'm saying since I'm a banker myself.
I don't give a damn about what you do, but you didn't need to say that, I figured that already, anyone can ;)
No wonder why the banks in India are so good :p The system doesn't create people, people create the system, some stupid will never get that though.

PS : This should be my last post about this OT crap. You can keep on barking or show minimal decency, your thing.
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Wise Old Owl
I don't give a damn about you who you do, but you didn't need to say that, I figured that already, anyone can ;)

It's worthless having a conversation here when people post irresponsibly & not on the facts placed.

- - - Updated - - -

No wonder why the banks in India are so good :p The system doesn't create people, people create the system, some stupid will never get that though.
I am trying to underscore the facts what pressure a bank staff undergoes. PSU banks service will always be different than a private bank unless private banks take more social responsibility, open branches in remote areas with minimum average balances. But what I'm noticing is you're trying to win arguments for your personal gain. Why don't you prove that what I wrote was wrong? You didn't mention anything about the risks inherent with this Job. You're just going on & saying your father is a 32 year veteran & so I know everything about bank job. That's not right.

- - - Updated - - -


Atleast some solace.
Please read between the lines with your mind awake. This was desperately needed.


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Human Spambot
First off all, can't believe I'm replying again. Can someone tell me how to stop Tapatalk from letting me notify on even unsubscribed topics?

Secondly, what the hell is up with that ****ing paper cut? I don't read Hindi or whatever the hell is written there, even if it were in English I wouldn't read. Really dude? A newspaper cutting, that's all you have? Jeez! :facepalm:

What you said, you might believe. But there's NO FACT. It's YOUR opinion, NOT A FACT. Every damn job has some kind of risk involved, for some job it's more, for some less. No, it's not more with a bank job, not at all, and this is a FACT.

You have proven NOTHING so far, because there's nothing to prove!

I'm not a veteran, nor my father is, doing a job for long doesn't make someone veteran, but I don't need this crap from someone like you while I have someone in my home.

Again, I don't care what you do, I don't care how much butthurt you are because of my comment, I don't care about your opinion either, the only thing I care about is someone has problem with my comment and keeps crossing me with childish and made up reasons. You could have simply ignored my comment, or even said that you don't agree with that, but don't put up garbage! You are the only person who will agree with your comment.

If you are that much insecure about your job, then just get another secure one, or at least try to find one.


Wise Old Owl
Who's barking now :facepalm: :lol:
you meant to say whatever I wrote was my opinion? And not facts? Plz read my comments about cashier's role. You mean to say none of that is fact? Risk involved in a bank job is not more :facepalm: , please prove that with logic.


Human Spambot
Who's barking now :facepalm: :lol:

When people say something constructive, that's an opinion. When people say something garbage, that's barking ;)

PS : If someone else is reading this, should I disable the second option from above? What the heck is Subscribed Forum anyway?


Esoteric Eric

Meanwhile, OP's account was a lie :lol:

Let's get back on topic. Someone in my family reported positive experience with HDFC, so a +1 to that.


Wise Old Owl
15 अगस्त को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने प्रधान मंत्री जन धन योजना की घोषड़ा की है परन्तु किसी ने बैंकर की तरफ जरा भी ध्यान नहीं दिया।
योजना के अनुसार करोडो की संख्या में बैंक खाते खोले जाने है परन्तु प्रधानमंत्री जी ने ये नहीं सोचा की क्या बैंकर भी इंसान है ? प्रधानमंत्री जी आप सभी काम बैंको के माध्यम से करना चाहते है और ये सही भी है परन्तु क्या आप आम बैंकर के मन को समझते है ? क्या आप जानते है सरकार की कोई भी योजना आते ही आप बैंको पर थोप देते है चाहे इंदिरा आवास हो,स्कॉलरशिप्स हो,विधवा पेंशन हो,रोजगार गारंटी हो,इनकम टैक्स हो,बिजली का बिल हो या ऐसी ही सेकड़ो योजनाये हो।
हम आपका ध्यान दिलाना चाहते है की आम बैंकर आपकी इन योजनाओ के नीचे दब कर अपनी कुछ आखरी सांसे ले रहा है। उसे रात रात तक घर जाने को नहीं मिलता वर्षो तक छुटिया नहीं मिलती और लगातार सातो दिन काम करता रहता है। कहने को रविवार अवकाश है पर वो कुछ नसीब बाले बैंकर को ही मिल पाता है। हमारे यूनियन कई वर्षो से से 5 डे बैंकिंग और अपने वेतन बढ़ोतरी की मांग कर रहे है पर आपका ध्यान कभी उनकी तरफ नहीं जाता बल्कि आप सेंट्रल के सभी कर्मियों को 5 डे वर्किंग की सुविधा तो देते है और तनख्वा का तो पूछना ही क्या पर क्या आप उनसे उतना ही काम लेते है क्या जितना सरकार बैंको का शोषड कर रही है ? हमारे कहने का मतलब यह है की कृपया बैंकर्स की दशा की और ध्यान दे युवाओ का बैंक से लगातार पलायन हो रहा है और बैंक में इसके कारण ब्रेन ड्रेन की इस्थ्ती बनी हुई है।


Back to school!!
15 अगस्त को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने प्रधान मंत्री जन धन योजना की घोषड़ा की है परन्तु किसी ने बैंकर की तरफ जरा भी ध्यान नहीं दिया।
योजना के अनुसार करोडो की संख्या में बैंक खाते खोले जाने है परन्तु प्रधानमंत्री जी ने ये नहीं सोचा की क्या बैंकर भी इंसान है ? प्रधानमंत्री जी आप सभी काम बैंको के माध्यम से करना चाहते है और ये सही भी है परन्तु क्या आप आम बैंकर के मन को समझते है ? क्या आप जानते है सरकार की कोई भी योजना आते ही आप बैंको पर थोप देते है चाहे इंदिरा आवास हो,स्कॉलरशिप्स हो,विधवा पेंशन हो,रोजगार गारंटी हो,इनकम टैक्स हो,बिजली का बिल हो या ऐसी ही सेकड़ो योजनाये हो।
हम आपका ध्यान दिलाना चाहते है की आम बैंकर आपकी इन योजनाओ के नीचे दब कर अपनी कुछ आखरी सांसे ले रहा है। उसे रात रात तक घर जाने को नहीं मिलता वर्षो तक छुटिया नहीं मिलती और लगातार सातो दिन काम करता रहता है। कहने को रविवार अवकाश है पर वो कुछ नसीब बाले बैंकर को ही मिल पाता है। हमारे यूनियन कई वर्षो से से 5 डे बैंकिंग और अपने वेतन बढ़ोतरी की मांग कर रहे है पर आपका ध्यान कभी उनकी तरफ नहीं जाता बल्कि आप सेंट्रल के सभी कर्मियों को 5 डे वर्किंग की सुविधा तो देते है और तनख्वा का तो पूछना ही क्या पर क्या आप उनसे उतना ही काम लेते है क्या जितना सरकार बैंको का शोषड कर रही है ? हमारे कहने का मतलब यह है की कृपया बैंकर्स की दशा की और ध्यान दे युवाओ का बैंक से लगातार पलायन हो रहा है और बैंक में इसके कारण ब्रेन ड्रेन की इस्थ्ती बनी हुई है।
For those who can't read hindi, like me:
On August 15, Prime Minister Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Goshdha public funding of the plan, but did not notice an iota towards the banker.
Planned to open bank accounts in the number of millions, but the Prime Minister did not say what the banker is also a human being?प्रधानमंत्री जी आप सभी काम बैंको के माध्यम से करना चाहते है और ये सही भी है परन्तु क्या आप आम बैंकर के मन को समझते है ?क्या आप जानते है सरकार की कोई भी योजना आते ही आप बैंको पर थोप देते है चाहे इंदिरा आवास हो,स्कॉलरशिप्स हो,विधवा पेंशन हो,रोजगार गारंटी हो,इनकम टैक्स हो,बिजली का बिल हो या ऐसी ही सेकड़ो योजनाये हो।
We want to draw your attention to your banker buried under these schemes is their some one breathing. He does not get to go home for the night do not get vacations for years and continues to work consistently Sato day. Bale leave some luck on Sunday to say he is able to get to the banker.हमारे यूनियन कई वर्षो से से 5 डे बैंकिंग और अपने वेतन बढ़ोतरी की मांग कर रहे है पर आपका ध्यान कभी उनकी तरफ नहीं जाता बल्कि आप सेंट्रल के सभी कर्मियों को 5 डे वर्किंग की सुविधा तो देते है और तनख्वा का तो पूछना ही क्या पर क्या If you let them do as much work as the government is Soshd banks?हमारे कहने का मतलब यह है की कृपया बैंकर्स की दशा की और ध्यान दे युवाओ का बैंक से लगातार पलायन हो रहा है और बैंक में इसके कारण ब्रेन ड्रेन की इस्थ्ती बनी हुई है।

Fuuu google translate.


Staff member
Cool down. Post your rebuttal without targeting personally. No personal attacks and expletives.


Wise Old Owl

Another gives up his life thanks to the unthinkable level of stress put by management. Work seems to never end in this hell even after staying till 9-10pm. Govt is playing a draconian role by not paying heed to the working conditions/emoluments of employees. Public is a mute spectator.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
View attachment 15192

Another gives up his life thanks to the unthinkable level of stress put by management. Work seems to never end in this hell even after staying till 9-10pm. Govt is playing a draconian role by not paying heed to the working conditions/emoluments of employees. Public is a mute spectator.

Looks like Karoshi has come to India.
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