I don't think salary is meagre, I have spent whole days with my father in banks, and I don't know why they are being paid that much high to be honest. My father himself said that the salary is very high for what we do. Seriously what do they do in working hours? I have seen employees working around the bank, talking with wife on phones, asking about other people, even playing video games, ordering more tea from the lower grade employee etc. With the introduction of computers their job is even simpler now. Updating someone's passbook, taking and giving money to people, processing the cheques, that's their basic jobs. And their advanced job is to talk, they talk too much. And for this they get almost 50k for month, I mean the aged and experienced ones, newcomers get around 20k right? That's not bad either. The only person who has slight pressure in a branch is the Manager, especially when the employees around him are **** and ****ing lazy, which in most cases they are.
If I had to do those jobs I will gladly ditch my business, which however pays me 5-6 times at least than a bank job but the amount of pressure sometimes get unbearable. I will just ask a bank employee to do what I do for just one week and I can bet the next week he will say please give me back my old job, cut some amount from my salary even if you want, but hell I can't do this.
Bank employees are overpaid for that they do, and that's my opinion, period.
What rubbish are you posting? Have you even tried to be on the other side of the table? Have you even considered what RISKS bank employees go through? Every single piece of paper is associated with risks in a bank.
Is 20k you consider decent for a banker today? WTF ...
I would like to meet a banker who thinks his salary is high
Have you seen the pressure under a cashier? They have to continuously receive lakhs of cash & make payments throughout the working hours with no or just a 10-15 mins break from 10 to 4. And not just receive them but check thoroughly for fake notes as well because if fake notes are found then it becomes the responsibility of the cashier who received such notes & amount is recovered from him/her. This all when the public wants to get their job done as quickly as possible..

. At evening when cashier has to tally the cash. The final cash figure must match the exact cash in physical .. if found less then the difference will be adjusted from the cashier's personal account.
In reality, people do adjust since mistakes are bound to happen... and people have adjusted from Rs. 1 to Rs. 1 lacs or may be more on a daily basis ... so your salary is Rs. 15,000 & your cash falls short, say once by 3000, again by 2000 then you're left with Rs. 10,000 to live with your family
so think what happens beyond the line before shouting on the "slow" cashier. Today, banks are aggressively expanding, opening new branches in far areas where there was nothing. At the same time retirements are taking place like crazy. For ex: Bank of Baroda's face will change drastically in the coming years due to the massive retirements. Due to this Banks are recruiting more than ever. A newly recruited clerical staff is sent directly to the branch without any training. It's like sending an untrained soldier with plastic bullets to a battlefield.
I don't know what type of bank branch you're going where you're facing staff which are not attending customers. True, this scenario was present in banks but decades ago. Today, you cannot talk about banks like this.
Officers are under tremendous mental stress , pressure that there have been reports of suicides, death due to depression recently.

Officers have to report at 9:30 am but there is no official time to go back & they usually leave by 8-9-10 pm. It is said inside banking circles that forget family if you're working in a bank
Then there are Single Man branches. Here there is only 1 Officer (single man

) who looks after all the workings (operations,credit,etc) of the branch...goodluck imagining stress there