what to buy PS3 or xbox 360

My choice...

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Wire muncher!
Ok, like the biggest fool on this forums I read that link which Zeeshan posted. I saw that whatever knowledge I had about PS3 was downplayed. Heck even the arch!.! I got confused... I read again... I read yet again. Now I was totally sure that all the arch. I'd learnt about the Cell was wrong until something in that article hit me!!!

We decided to put this Microsoft-provided information up undigested. Thus, enclosed is a Microsoft-made comparitive analysis. We have not altered, added, or tinkered with the data. We have not interpreted the specs. We have cut and pasted this information from the email into our site and formatted it. Make of it what you will, but be clear we know Microsoft has clearly slanted this info, and we're not endorsing it, just printing their version.
Then I said.. WTF :confused: !! I wasted half an hour reading this MS BS which gives some crap comparisons and states that PS3 GPU is related to GeForce 6800!! :lol: (Of corz the date matterz!)

Then I got to read this:
Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has claimed that Microsoft's Xbox 360 "doesn't have true HD functionality," saying that consumers seeking a HD experience will have to wait for the PS3 to arrive.......

.....As you well know," he continued, "the Xbox 360 doesn't play high definition movies and doesn't have true HD functionality - PlayStation 3 is the only format that has 1080-progressive, which is the true definition of HD, so it's really premature to be talking about the HD era."
I said WTF!! (yeah, again! :D ) HD is HD.. whether its interlaced or progressive!

Conclusion: Treat everything about PS3 from MS and XBox from Sony as the joke of the century! Read unbiased articles!

If someone's interested in the internals then lemme know. There is a nice article on AnandTech which gives an unbiased comparison of Xbox and PS3 hardware. It states that multithreaded and carefully optimized games are better on Xbox than PS3. It also states that the Cell and the 7 SPEs are actually faster than Xbox hardware by leaps and bounds in many games while in some unoptimized ones (read ported) the Cell is the biggest bottleneck and happens to be the worst component of PS3 in that case.

Not posting here as it'll simply divert the topic. I'm not saying one is bad and the other is good. What I'm saying is: Don't read reviews/comparisons of XBox from Sony and those of PS3 from MS. They are just utter crap!


Caballero de Real Madrid
Are you reading with upside-down glasses or ignoring what people in this thread voted for? :lol:

@Cyrus...little of both.......hehhehheh

btw...u stop ignoring my post and read it with down-upside glass......

ull know one thing..the thread starter bought 360 dear boy.....atleast read zeeshans post just above....hehheh


@infra...u r right.ppl just find some link with nos and pics with words
ps3.. xbox... cell... RSX...360....Xenon... and just paste it here to advocate......

its gameplay people..just gameplay.......
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@infra: I am not supporting the PS3 because I am a linux fan. Its just better hardware, and I will support C2Q Q6600 over C2D E6600 if you can afford it any day. Infact, I was personally concidering buying an Xbox 360 because of the fact that I am on a budget and can't afford a HUGE upgrade for my PC.

And Xbox 360 is not devoid of linux. There is already a project to hack Xbox 360 and install distros in it. *en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free60 But I am just amazed by the PS3 hardware, which has huge potential for utilisation compared to the Xbox 360, which is just a no frills all thrills gaming hardware.

And finally, you were right in saying that the thread starter is nowhere to be seen. He must have got scared by the flame war here :D


Maximum Fame
ROFL people saying that Playstation3 GPU AKA RSX(based on seventh generation of geforce gpu)has a floating point performance of 1.8Teraflops and the cpu AKA Cell processor has a FPP of 218Gigaflops( .2 teraflops appx. )to make a total of 2TF.
geforce 8800 floating point performance<500Gigaflops
Geforce 7800<250Gigaflops=FPP RSX
So even if we consider that 218GF of Cell is true we are only left with a total of 470GF
So guess what xbox 360 is vastly superior than PS3 in terms of hardware as its 1 teraflop naahh I am just kidding it is certain that microsoft must be lying too.
Again you buy a PS3 or xbox 360 and a cheap take around 75K HDTV,the hdtv has some native widescreen res maybe not 720p lets assume the native res is 1440x900.
Now u run a game whose true res(size of game image processed by the GPU)is 1152x648 then u set it at 720p for ur HDTV(that's one of the option u are provided with the console)so the image processed by the GPU is at 1152x648 is scaled by the console to 1280x720 progressive and the sent to the HDTV which then scales it to the native res of 1440x900.
So Drum.......beat the final output=Some Crap heavily resized image+Gamma issues due to low cost HDTV+Bad Contrast.
Ref- *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showpost.php?p=761153&postcount=61
And this- 360 exclusive Halo3 not 720p
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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
From Anandtech Review
n the end it seems that Microsoft was more focused on spending money where it counts (e.g. CPU, GPU, HDD) and skimped on areas that would have otherwise completed the package (e.g. more USB ports, built in wireless, router functionality, flash card readers, HDMI support in the box, etc...). Whereas Sony appears to have just spent money everywhere, but balanced things out by shipping with no hard drive.

The Review is quite old though(it was done 5 Months Before the X360 launch) .

In the end , the Console with the Best Games wins .

The Original Xbox was much powerful than the PS2 , but that did not mean it was the best . Same goes for this round .


Maximum Fame
LOL,The Playstation 3 manufacturing cost was >800$ and nothing was balanced out as the Sony was suffering huge losses on PS3 sales because it was 600$ & 500$ but hey no piracy definitely means that profit would be met by sales of games(overpriced)
Offtopic:Anandtech....lemme think it tested Triple 8800 ultra SLI with no AA on every game how lame is that.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
On that Note .

Microsoft has a strict policy of at least 4X AA on all titles and Sony has no such policy . This could explain the whole '1010p' thing sony has been touting.

1080p Games with no AA :lol:

Also , if anyone knows , On paper the PS2 is supposed to be more powerful than the Xbox(original) , but we all know which one was .


On that Note .

Microsoft has a strict policy of at least 4X AA on all titles and Sony has no such policy . This could explain the whole '1010p' thing sony has been touting.

1080p Games with no AA

Also , if anyone knows , On paper the PS2 is supposed to be more powerful than the Xbox(original) , but we all know which one was .

^^ care to back that up?


Wire muncher!
All the links are from circa 2005 (the links of MS test and from Anandtech etc.). Thats why I've mentioned that "date matterz"!

The problem is not whether Xbox or PS3 is more powerful. The point is how well the hardware is utilized!

Xbox is a clear winner in this coz Its basically a multi-core PC with a custom designed GPU. So vaguely think of it as your "new 3-core processor" computer with Windows (Direct-X actually). So game developers don't hafta be bothered about learning something new for developing games. But the instruction set is different (PPC) and so are the no. of cores. So thread - level parallelism demands a bit more work (a.k.a optimization). But this definitely is practical and profitable :)

PS3 is something different. Its not your usual "single-core computer". It can be thought of as a system in Master-Slave combo (PPE is master, SPEs are slaves) + a normal nVidia PCI-E GFX card which doesn't support DirectX API (the biggest hurdle). So it'll surely take time for the developers to harness full potential of the hardware.

@infra: I am not supporting the PS3 because I am a linux fan. Its just better hardware.....

me said:
4Hehe... no offense guys.. just trying to make the atmosphere a bit lighter :))

Chill Dude :)
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
hi guys...so after some really hard savings m having enough to buy a ps3 or xbox 360 but m really confused...should i buy xbox if yes then which one core or premium or should i go for ps3...help in deciding folks

Now a days almost all games are ported to both PS3 as well as XBox 360 .. so it doesnot matter which one you go for. PS3 has the advantage of having Bluray drive .. so you can take advantage of this to watch BluRay movies when it hits india.

Also do you have a HDTV in first place?.. if you dont have it then forget everything told about HD, 720p/1080p in this thread... you can take use of the the HD capability of the console( be it xbox 360 or PS3) only on a HDTV. But you can play all the games in normal standard def ..

When going for console check which console has the highest number of games which you will be playing .. like racing.. FPS TPS etc etc.. it will be waste if you go for a console which doesnot have many titles which suite your taste. And donot worry about future games.. you will be able to play all games at the highest settings and quality be it Xbox 360 or PS3.

Tom: ( phone rings ) Hello ..
Harry: Yo dude.. its me harry .. I just bought a PS3 . wanna come and see?
Tom: ok .. be there in 30 mins.( hang up)

29 Minutes later..

Harry: Yo dude wassup man..
Tom: yea.. nothing much .. whats that thing you were saying on the phone.
Harry: Dude.. its the coolest device on the "Planet EARTH" 8)
Tom: what does it do?
Harry: It has Cell Processor dude.. dono how many cores but .. its awesome man :D
Harry: also you know I can install Linux in this .. how cool is that :D
Tom: :)
Harry: you know Linux kicks ass man .. you got a game console + a computer where you can install OS .. Awesome :D
Harry: Xbox 360 sucks man .. its got just 3 cores.. I got more ha ha ..
Tom: :confused:
Harry: you know what .. its so advanced that it can emulate other hardware too :D .. like I can play PS2 games .. how cool is that.. :D
Tom: ok ..
Harry: One more thing man .. It can play BluRay Discs :D .. awesome .. Xbox 360 HD DVD addon .. ha ha what a joke.. HD DVD lost the battle . Mu ha ha ha
Tom: (Yawn) Its a game console rite?
Harry: yep .. the best in the world ;)..
harry: Man it can Play all games in HD .. 1080p .. awesome hidef :D
Harry: more blah blah blah blah..
Harry: you know what...
Tom: Shut the f*ck up and put a game in it.

Harry: Yikes..:shock: I forgot.. I did not buy any games :(..

Tom: :|... ok bye bye... cal me when you get those games.. Till then I will do some multiplayer death match on Halo 3 .. cya

phone rings...
Dick: Dude.. its Harry here..



Wiiiiiiiiiiii!!! (+Playstation3 ) dont forget sony may launch PS3 Slim i now have PS2 Slim and PSP Slim . w8ing for PS3 Slim


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
New Blu-ray 2.0 spec makes PS3 the most future-proof player

With the sudden and unexpected announcement from Warner that the studio would be abandoning HD DVD titles in favor of Blu-ray, it seemed to many observers that the high-def format war was all over, bar the shouting.With the upcoming 2.0 player profile requiring Blu-ray players to be networked, Sony finally gets to play its trump card: the PlayStation 3, which has clearly emerged as one of the best Blu-ray players on the market—and is likely to remain so for some time. Why? Because the first player now becomes the most versatile, sporting a future-proof Blu-ray setup.

Before we can understand why the PlayStation 3 is able to so easily deal with new profiles, we must first look at the difference between the 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 profiles to see why a simple firmware update isn't enough to make a player compliant.
1.0 is the launch profile, and secondary audio and video decoders are optional, as is local storage and network connectivity. The majority of standalone players fit into this category.
1.1 is the newer profile, and to take advantage of these discs, players need a secondary audio and video decoder to handle picture-in-picture, as well as at least 256MB of local storage for content.
2.0 is the profile of the future, requiring the two secondary decoders, 1GB of local storage for updates and content, and an Internet connection.

HD DVD players have included networking as standard since the beginning, but Blu-ray has not, and the evolving standard may become a large problem for early adopters. The 2.0 profile actually changes the minimum requirements for full compatibility. In other words, there is only one player currently on the market that will be 2.0 compatible: the PlayStation 3, which, with its upgradeable hard drive, Ethernet port, and powerful graphics capabilities, will be able to adapt to any and all future updates. This is quite the slap in the face to consumers who paid several hundred dollars for players that won't able to be updated to take advantage of the 1.1 profile, much less the upcoming 2.0
What 2.0 brings

The 2.0 profile brings picture-in-picture and online functionality to Blu-ray discs; these movies will have "BD-Live" stickers on the case so you know certain features will require 2.0-compliant players. Discs that only require 1.1 profile players will be adorned with "Bonus View" stickers. Are we confused yet?

In contrast, HD DVD has required an Internet connection and local storage from day one, and certain HD DVD movies already use picture-in-picture and online functionality for their bonus features.

What will Blu-ray do to compete with these features? At CES, FOX Home Entertainment showed off a Blu-ray version of Aliens Vs. Predator that featured an online, multiplayer game that had you throwing virtual knives and shooting at the aliens on the screen using the remote and competing against other players remotely. Other exhibitors were showing off trivia games with a PlayStation 3 as a demo unit. In other words, vendors and Blu-ray partners already have the 2.0 profile running on the PS3, allowing them to use the PS3 controller and remote to design BD-Live titles.

While HD DVD may have done a better job of future-proofing their players, the immaturity of the Blu-ray spec hasn't proven to be an insurmountable obstacle. At CES, the Blu-ray Disc Association announced that 3.5 million Blu-ray players had been sold to date. Of those, 3 million were PlayStation 3s, the most future-proof Blu-ray player on the market. Still, this means that roughly 15 percent of the early adopters are going to be frozen out of the latest and greatest Blu-ray features with BD-Live. That's bad news for current owners of stand-alone players, but with the price of the PlayStation 3 now down to $399.99 and the format wars shaping up nicely in Blu-ray's favor, the system may actually be less expensive and more powerful than the latest-generation standalone players.

This is quite the odd turn of events: it was assumed when the PS3 launched that the gaming system would be the Trojan horse that brought Blu-ray into the homes of the mass market. Now? The inexpensive and future-proofed Blu-ray functions of the PS3, matched with the high-quality upscaling the system brings to normal DVDs, may be the Trojan horse bringing gaming to home theater enthusiasts.

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Wiiiiiiiiiiii!!! (+Playstation3 ) dont forget sony may launch PS3 Slim i now have PS2 Slim and PSP Slim . w8ing for PS3 Slim

That's about the most fanboyed thing on this thread.

Anyways, @ Zeeshan, what is that link trying to prove? The GPU performance is given as higher, and CPU performance as lower for the Xbox . So for playing games, the Xbox is superior on paper.
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