Please do a memtest for a night.
I faced the issue again today. When I powered on the PC, it failed to start. Fans kept starting and stopping. I removed RAM and attached it again. It allowed me to boot then.
I am ready to do MemTest today night. Just wanted some more suggestion.
Will be using this tool: MemTest86 - Offical Site of the x86 Memory Testing Tool
What option do I select? Tests will take hours. So I want to save the report in the end. But the comparison chart shows free version don't have the ability to save results to disk. I don't want to loose the results of hours of test only because I don't have the paid version. Any suggestion?
- - - Updated - - -
Did some reading up, and came to a conclusion that,
1. I should use MemTest86+ which is open source version of Memtest,
2. Should run it for about 5-6 passes and/or (7 hours, since I can't leave PC on, while I am away in morning