Website offline


The Linux Guy
Is there any way that my simple machines forum will work offline, i.e., if all the files are stored on my computer, then i can access it using a browser?


--> Techie - Maharaj
If u want it to function as a "proper forum" then u need to install a web server (WAMPP. XAMPP etc) on the machine that u intend to have the forum.
NOTE:- this can be accessed offline only from within your HOME NETWORK !

For others to acccess, u'll have to forward the port(80 in this case) on your modem/router.
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The Linux Guy
No, I want to store it on my own laptop and then take it somewhere where there is no connectivity and then open a browser and show the other person how it works.


Staff member
^Just copy the forum files and after you install XAMP/WAMP on other person's pc, its done. You CAN'T do it without installing XAMP/WAMP.


King of Heroes
No, I want to store it on my own laptop and then take it somewhere where there is no connectivity and then open a browser and show the other person how it works.
As sujay said,XAMPP/WAMP/any other web server is necessary on computer which is being used to demo the site because a site is always hosted on a web server.


King of Heroes
@aaruni You going to use your macbook for demoing site???
If yes,install XAMPP(mac has package manager???if yes,use it) from its official site.
While installing it will ask you for info which is self explanatory.Then report back.


The Linux Guy
As far as the files (pages) are stored in .html format, they will behave like the real webpages in offline mode to I will also suggest you to try out FTP as the website is tested on it before launching it online.

I don't think I completely understand what you are saying...

My website is already online (a forum, actually...) and I have already installed the offline version successfully in Ubuntu 12.04
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