If there are some that deserve to be made stickies, then they should be swatkat's posts on using HJT (considering the sheer number of people in the forum that are being told to run and post their HJT logs) and the one on the system security suite, considering how many people are actually getting their PCs infected. Maybe these info will actually help the people stay away from trouble and if they do get into trouble, they can take a look at the HJT post if they have any doubts about it. In fact, I really think sometimes that posting system configs and a recent HJT log should accompany most problems. Also, I don't think there should be a post on trying to read your HJT posts yourself and fixing the errors as sometimes the newbies can take their whole system down by doing something they're not supposed to be doing simply because they're paranoid. Also, the posts by raven on sharing an Internet connection should be there, considering so many people asking for the same.