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Distinguished Member
Windows' infamous "blue screen of death" now has a deadlier cousin ! Microsoft will release a Black screen of Death now, to haunt Vista pirates ! This is not to be mixed up with the Windows 3.x 'black screen of death', which occurred when a DOS application failed to execute properly.

As a part of its anti-piracy initiative, Microsoft has activated a function in Vista called 'Reduced Functionality.' This is a specific function in Vista that effectively disables nongenuine copies of Windows. Therefore anyone who has a pirated copy of Vista will experience:
- A black screen after one hour of browsing
- No start menu or task bar
- No desktop


Thats a good news. I hope some steps will be taken where same action will be taken if any of the apps are pirated too. Stringent initiatives shud be taken regarding piracy and MS shud rise!! ;)


die blizzard die! D3?
Hehe the scene people will crack this in hours.These people are way to smart and knowledgeable than M$ people.

First they made a not so good OS then instead of working on it they are working on how to protect it.Who is gonna pirate it anyway?


left this forum longback
pathiks said:
Could become a catalyst for linux..... :D
take the case of adam&eve-temptation for forbidden fruit.
may not help much for Linux popular.
oh!is it a hoax :? tat too reported from a mvp.


Pawned!... Beyond GODLIKE
wat is it really a hoax or MS is tryin to cover it up so hackers dont pay attention to it?
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