Virus! virus! Help! Help!

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i m facing 2 new probs with my pen drive...

1. all de folders n subfolders on my pen drive convert 2 system folders... and an exe file of each folder is made. my updated AV detects de exe files as viruc n deleats all... but de antual foldres r still hidden(systen folders).
is it possible 2 convert them bsck 2 normal folders???

2. also i cannot open my pen drive by double click, but this time incted of 'autoplay' de default action is open(o) n every time i insert my pen drive a autorun.inf file gets created on de drive which contains de command
there was no file named 'appmgmt.exe' on my system but i found a key by this name in my registry under 'mountdrive2'. de AV dosent detect any virus

is my comp infected??? please help me splve this prob


Booting Nicotine!!
yeah it is !! get the anti-virus form net don't ask which one u can search the forum for the reviews .. its simple can be removed out soon ... don't worry



i kaspersky 6 (updated), it detects de 1st virus in 1st case but not in 2nd case

is NOD32 better than kas 6???

please help
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||uLtiMaTE WinNER||
Hey Nod32 is Gud.....
But the problem is u hv u update the virus defination regularly......
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