USB problem

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hell boy
i recently updated my bios to the latest available of my motherboard{asus m2n-mx} and now my usb ports do not work at 2.0 .
i have a external hard disk so it need higher data transfer and now it is very slow. about an hour to copy 6.5 gb what the f***& .:confused: :confused:
i am very much confused i even get the msg "this device can perform better wgen connected to 2.0 port" like this or somthing



give this a shot:
first, uninstall ALL the usb drivers from the device will now install the drivers again.
if this doesnt work then the its better that u go back to ur previous bios, of which u have hopefully made a backup.


hell boy
give this a shot:
first, uninstall ALL the usb drivers from the device will now install the drivers again.
if this doesnt work then the its better that u go back to ur previous bios, of which u have hopefully made a backup.
srry tried it not a worth
and going back to first bios is not the option cause with that bios bord wont recognize th processor n thats the cause i updated my bios:confused:
i have even tried installing fresh copy of windows and derivers>>>
in vain
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give this a shot:
first, uninstall ALL the usb drivers from the device will now install the drivers again.
if this doesnt work then the its better that u go back to ur previous bios, of which u have hopefully made a backup.

tried the tech support on their website :confused:


Go to device manager, open your usb and select update driver
I have detailed it here


Super Moderator
Staff member
@ MasterMinds
One last try:

Navigate through all of your bios optinons.

Find a setting something like Onchip Usb or usb mode or usb speed or usb compatibility.

Check if it is set to usb v1.1+v.2.0 or v.2.0. If its

value is set to usb v1.1 or Legacy mode then change it to v.1.1+2.0 or v.2.0.

That should solve your problem.

one exaple to clarify the whole process. According to my mobos bios

my usb settings located at Integrated Peripherals > USB Config > Onchip USB :

Here I have three options to choose from :

1. USB v.1.1+v.2.0 ( Default or Normal Value )
2. USB v.1.1
3. Disabled

Last time i upgraded my bios xp showed on task manager that I've
only one cpu core while i've a dual core cpu. So I checked my bios settings
& found that one among of two cpu cores was disabled. So I enabled that
disabled core manually & that solved my problem.


hell boy
@ MasterMinds
One last try:

Navigate through all of your bios optinons.

Find a setting something like Onchip Usb or usb mode or usb speed or usb compatibility.

Check if it is set to usb v1.1+v.2.0 or v.2.0. If its

value is set to usb v1.1 or Legacy mode then change it to v.1.1+2.0 or v.2.0.

That should solve your problem.

one exaple to clarify the whole process. According to my mobos bios

my usb settings located at Integrated Peripherals > USB Config > Onchip USB :

Here I have three options to choose from :

1. USB v.1.1+v.2.0 ( Default or Normal Value )
2. USB v.1.1
3. Disabled

Last time i upgraded my bios xp showed on task manager that I've
only one cpu core while i've a dual core cpu. So I checked my bios settings
& found that one among of two cpu cores was disabled. So I enabled that
disabled core manually & that solved my problem.
i tried that also


At Hell's Disq
^^^ download the latset chipset driver.uninstall the old chipset drivers,reboot and then install the latest chipset drivers.
if ur already running the latset chipset driver then uninstall it,reboot and reinstall.
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