Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah
That BLR Server a.k.a Bangaluru Server ( ) is owned by a very good friend of mine - JoeCool. :D I know him personally. :D He is a very |337 hacker and also owns a Computer Security company. :D It is hosted from the US and you can also find me playing around in that server.

BLR server will surely be in India after a couple of months. ;)

Anyone playing?

Played with the bots....Tried LR300, got pwned. Then I got G36 :D The bots with 0 pings were still no match and they got their heads chopped off everytime. LOL.
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Chosen of the Omnissiah
I'm out too.

Lets have some serious party in a server. In Hellsheaven or Amitava's or any other......???

Digit Forum get-together I mean to say.


Slideshow Bob
i hav downloaded utr
can i join in now(how to)?

Start up UrT. Press ~ key to bring up the console. Type /set password private and press enter. Now type /connect urt.hullap.com and press enter.

But there's no one on the server at the moment.
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@amitav, when i connect there is a message saying you need PB to play in this server also get the latest update from id blah !
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