Urban Terror - Fun Over Realism


Chosen of the Omnissiah

File-------Save as-------> ez_setup.py

Save it preferably in the root directory i.e. C:\

Best tutorial for installing B3 = *www.bigbrotherbot.com/forums/index.php?topic=912.0

And only download Python 2.5.4 - *www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.4/
How do i download Setup Tools?

It is just a link to some page which i think contains some Coding

dude don't you know that its a python script and basically, you are downloading it, when you see it!
you need to add it to the server/compiler/host where you want the script to be installed


dude don't you know that its a python script and basically, you are downloading it, when you see it!
you need to add it to the server/compiler/host where you want the script to be installed

I never said i am an expert in Python or MySQL


File-------Save as-------> ez_setup.py

Save it preferably in the root directory i.e. C:\

Best tutorial for installing B3 = *www.bigbrotherbot.com/forums/index.php?topic=912.0

And only download Python 2.5.4 - *www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.4/


I installed all the requirements but where do i download the b3 installer?


I downloaded the Setup Tools by right clicking and Save target as.
But How do i download the *git* program is the main problem.
The download link doesn't work
I can't believe that after soo loong this thread has yet to become a sticky!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you notice, "official thread for XYZ game" type threads are stickies no more. I was pushing for this thread to be stuck since the counter strike thread was also stuck. But since then the CS thread has beeen unstuck.

The issue is that TDF being a large community one game can't be given prominence. Instead, looking @ the no. of guys playing regularly and the hourly bumps it gets thanks to posts, I doubt it needs to be stuck. One look at the no. of replies and anybody will open this thread. No need to be stuck :D


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I downloaded the Setup Tools by right clicking and Save target as.
But How do i download the *git* program is the main problem.
The download link doesn't work
Yea, no need of GIT.


Click on the Download button.

And extract it in the C:\ drive.


I hope you've installed XAMPP and MySQL + phpMyAdmin is working properly.

After you've installed everything and configured the B3.xml files....Then host Urban Terror using ioUrTded.exe and then open Command Prompt. Go the to the folder where you had extracted the B3 files. Like in my case it is, C:\BigBrotherBot.....

The prompt should look like this, C:\BigBrotherBot>_

C:\python25\python.exe "b3_run.py"

It should start working then. I'll talk about other things later, first get it working. :)

PS: I had installed it in Linux. Windows installation is still incomplete. So, I'm not sure whether what I'm saying is fully correct for Windows.
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