Unity vs GNOME 3

unity vs GNOME3 whats ur pick?

  • GNOME 3

    Votes: 30 78.9%
  • Unity

    Votes: 8 21.1%

  • Total voters


BIOS Terminator
i installed ubuntu 11.04 yesterday. in first looks i didnt like unity. the layout seemed too restrictive and the i hated the new type of title bar. i then installed GNOME 3 and found it better in first looks. i still havent played much with the settings of these two desktop environments.
i want to know what you guyz think abt these two?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Arch + KDE SC 4.6.2

Unity and GNOME 3 both need time to mature just like KDE 4 needed.


BSD init pwns System V
I've installed both Unity (Ubuntu 11.04) and GNOME 3 (Arch).. I feel that GNOME 3 is much. much better than Unity.. I installed Compiz-Fusion settings manager in Unity and it broke it.. had to do a re-install :D


BIOS Terminator
Arch + KDE SC 4.6.2

Unity and GNOME 3 both need time to mature just like KDE 4 needed.

will be downloading KDE tomorrow morning. the download size is pretty big(>500MB). i have a feeling it should be better as said by many. i have used it only at school and i don't have much experience with it.

i agree GNOME 3 is not much mature as there are many small things that can be improved. also it is not as customizable compared to KDE. MINT's next version(11) too will have the version 2 of GNOME instead of 3

EDIT: 500MB was the space taken by KDE after installation
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
I have used Unity with Ubuntu 11.04 and Gnome 3 with Fedora 15 Beta, I have to say Unity feels more polished and intuitive to me, saves a lot of screen space, and if you use it long enough, it's quite slick. Just give it time.

Gnome Shell still needs some love IMO, it workspaces are awesome, but however it should try to save some screen space really, just too much space is wasted by the title top panel, menu, and particularly the huge title bar.

Both the desktop shells need some fine improvement, but at this point of time Unity holds the edge for me.

P.S.: I am typing this with Unity in Ubuntu 11.04


Cyborg Agent
@Liverpool: You think Unity saves screen space? Have you used it on a Netbook. It basically kills my Netbook. I have to start horizontal scrolling in order to do any work. I installed Unity on top of Ubuntu 10.10.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
@Liverpool: You think Unity saves screen space? Have you used it on a Netbook. It basically kills my Netbook. I have to start horizontal scrolling in order to do any work. I installed Unity on top of Ubuntu 10.10.

I'm talking of Unity with Compiz in Ubuntu 11.04. I am using it in a desktop though.

See some screenshots -

When Window is not maximized -

When Window is maximized -

Considering there's no separate Ubuntu for netbooks now, you are safe to suppose it's as space saving in Netbooks as well. In any case play around with autohide/intellihide of launcher using CCSM.
And oh don't judge Unity by Ubuntu 10.10, that one sucked.


gnome gnom nom nom nom
nuff said.

unity hogs too much screen space. i DONT like that. i want a lean and clean interface.
and i love open/black box


BIOS Terminator
Tried KDE, it works great! I had underestimated it a lot. I have made it my default environment. Its more intuitive thn gnome IMO.


Even Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't work smoothly in my old crapware, forget about Gnome3/Unity (XFCE FTW!). Usually use xubuntu to get things done smoothly.


you expect ubuntu to run on such old pc's?
stick with lighter distros.

and yeah, try out openbox. it will change the way you use the os


BIOS Terminator
Which distribution? Not many distributions get KDE right.

ubuntu 11.04. The problem is that i dont have a video card so i had to turn off all the fancy effects. Is there a way to integrate banshee to the panel like in gnome?


BSD init pwns System V
The problem with Unity is that it needs proprietary drivers for working. GNOME 3 on the other hand works fine with the Open Source NVIDIA drivers on my PC. Although, later I installed official proprietary drivers on my system because I need VDPAU.


canonical made a big mistake by sticking to unity.
unity is made for freaking netbooks/touchscreens
why did they even include it in a major release like 11.04? gnome 3 is fine, gets the job done. vey bad, canonical


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
The problem with Unity is that it needs proprietary drivers for working. GNOME 3 on the other hand works fine with the Open Source NVIDIA drivers on my PC. Although, later I installed official proprietary drivers on my system because I need VDPAU.

Er Unity works with Open Source ATI drivers. I am using it.
Experimental 3D with nouveau (Open Source "nVidia") is not yet supported by Ubuntu yet AFAIK, maybe that's why it didn't work for you.

canonical made a big mistake by sticking to unity.
unity is made for freaking netbooks/touchscreens
why did they even include it in a major release like 11.04? gnome 3 is fine, gets the job done. vey bad, canonical
In a year's time it will seem a very good move, and you can quote me for that.
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