Ubuntu Gutsy 7.10

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I boot with the live cd, everything goes fine till I get the desktop (or the absence of it). My monitor blanks out and an Out of Sync message bobs about the screen (CRT Monitor Samtron 56V). I can hear the start up sound as the desktop loads :D The only way i can get out of this is

Tried booting with safe graphics mode
Tried booting with safe graphics mode with nosplash
Tried special boot parameters too:

All the above failed. Any ideas????????????????


18 Till I Die............
try lowres option.
Another way would be, when you press ctrl+alt+f1, then run
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Make it use vesa driver(if you have nvidia or ati card, you haven't mentioned about it) and only select lower screen resolutions like 800x600 and such for now. And see if it goes fine?


left this forum longback
if u got a card/onboard or not except VIA Unichrome,nvidia,ATi would have been detected by gutsy.
I think u shud mount ur gutsy partition esp /boot in livecd or anyother linux on system(i think you uses suse) and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and in resolution (SubSection "Display)section edit into lower res as mehulved said.above command too can do this.


@Praka123 The joke is I have a NVidia GeForce 6100 nForce 430 onboard
@mehulved I'll try your suggestion now

Update: I tried what you said, it asks too many questions, and finally did not work. I forgot to mention I already am running Feisty 64 bit for sometime now quite successfully. Is there anyway I can use the info I get there, amybe in the X config files, to help me? I am not too used to deb distros.
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left this forum longback
if you were using nvidia cards,u can install proprietary drivers later referring *ubuntuguide.org
for now, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select driver as "nv" instead of nvidia,also select 800*600 resltn.nv is the open source driver.
u can look at ur xorg.conf "device" section for driver "nv" instead of "nvidia" and in section screen subsection Display,enter resolutions 800*600 and less.
ctrl+alt+f7 is where X will be up.


Thanks a million praka123. This post is from my successful Gutsy 64 bit install. The display holds even after a reboot.
I selected driver as nv, and then tried starting X, I then got a GUI to fine tune the configuration. There I selected my monitor manually Samsung Samtron 56V. Will fiddle around a little more tomorrow :) Goodnight

Thank you all for your help

Do see this small video of my boot up i took with my 7610, its funny, it gives out of sync with the boot splash and becomes ok with the desktop

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18 Till I Die............
Now install nvidia drivers first using restricted drivers manager, the binary nvidia drivers will give you much better performance.


 Macboy
Guys. I'm going to switch three PCs from the office to Ubuntu. Windows is giving just far too many problems. I just hope Ubuntu works like the Mac, plug and play. I've read reviews and Gutsy Gibbon seems to be just about gutsy enough. PC1 is going down....

[These PCs are going to use just about Firefox, OpenOffice, and moving files via thumb drives. Possible without any configuration na?]


18 Till I Die............
Neither of the 3 should give any problem, unless you have users who come with Office 2007 files. Oo.org can't open them.
And ask them to save the files in MS Office format instead of native format unless it's being shared within the 3 PC's only.


 Macboy
Bhais'. Installed Ubuntu fine. Only thing is my screen refresh is stuck at 85Hz because of which it's acting all weird. Can't change it to anything else. Using a Intel desktop board Essential series D201GLY with onboard graphics (dunno which one it is)


18 Till I Die............
goobimama said:
Bhais'. Installed Ubuntu fine. Only thing is my screen refresh is stuck at 85Hz because of which it's acting all weird. Can't change it to anything else. Using a Intel desktop board Essential series D201GLY with onboard graphics (dunno which one it is)
Try the new GUI tool to configure X server, that's come with gutsy. I haven't seen it for myself so can't say if it will work. But, it may have what you're looking for.


mehulved said:
Neither of the 3 should give any problem, unless you have users who come with Office 2007 files. Oo.org can't open them.
And ask them to save the files in MS Office format instead of native format unless it's being shared within the 3 PC's only.
I don't agree
OO can open *.Docx as well because microsoft is pushing open XML a international standard, so it has open it put:)
you just need to install a convertor given by novell

goobimama said:
Guys. I'm going to switch three PCs from the office to Ubuntu. Windows is giving just far too many problems. I just hope Ubuntu works like the Mac, plug and play. I've read reviews and Gutsy Gibbon seems to be just about gutsy enough. PC1 is going down....

[These PCs are going to use just about Firefox, OpenOffice, and moving files via thumb drives. Possible without any configuration na?]
one advantage linux will give is that your employes will not be able to play songs and movies at work :p

also give them a limited account, and keep the password with you:p
for normal day to day operations password is not needed

for basic config try this:-

EasyUbuntu is an easy to use (duh!) script that gives the Ubuntu user the most commonly requested apps, codecs, and tweaks that are not found in the base distribution - all with a few clicks of your mouse.

EasyUbuntu is so easy to use in fact, that even your grandma could be playing encrypted dvds, streaming Windows Media, and sporting the latest Nvidia or Ati drivers in minutes! And yes, EasyUbuntu is GPL.

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QwertyManiac said:
I wouldn't suggest EasyUbuntu nor Automatix. Both are creepy and end up dirtying than actually helping your desktop.

Standard Add/Remove procedure: Best.

Else, just tell us what you need and I can make clicky things like this:
Click me to install Ubuntu Restricted Extras Handy isn't it? No more typing commands, just click them ;)
its a personel choice, the dirtying your are talking never happened to me:), may you got a bad luck:p


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
^^ Gary actually Automatrix and EasyUbuntu are highly discouraged by the developers. There MUST be some reason behind it :)


well i have used easyubuntu but not automatix.
i used easyubuntu atleast 15-20times but still no error i got till date:|

its not that i have tried on my hardware only,i have tried it on many of my friends all with different kinds hardware , still no problem:)

may be i was a bit lucky

if all are saying that scripts break installs, then that maybe the case, as you know more than me:)

but i wanted to tell that it never happened with me:)

sorry for wasting your time
take care
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