Ubuntu 7.10 on Dell 1720

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Wire muncher!
^^^ its the default window decorator for gnome desktop. just amke sure compiz uses that for decorating windows.

After enabling compiz just press alt f2 and in the run dialog box type: metacity --replace &

see if it helps to get back the buttons. to make it permanent goto compiz conf settings > window decorations (i think, not sure). type metacity instead of emerald.


left this forum longback
@cadcrazy:yaar-the 100.14.19 driver is buggy and beta driver for 8xxx series cards.you have to upgrade to 169.09 which fixes the "Black out" and other major bugs.
the only way in ubuntu I can find is to use Envy
google for 8xxx specific fixes :)


in search of myself
metacity --replace has not solved the prob. I'am not able to find metacity anywhere in compizconfig-settings-manager option.Also i have installed mac4lin emerald theme but it is not enabled i.e. no shadows and windows buttons are still on right side. Also nothing happens when i launch awn.

@parkash are you a hacker.How did you know that i have nvidia 100.XX driver.BTW i have 169.XX driver installed on my system.


left this forum longback
ahaa!did u installed latest driver via envy or using nvidia script?
BTW,did u know that nvidia silently released 171.05 :D

"gnome-session-properties" have a startup manager.there u add "metacity --replace" or disable compiz --replace commands.

also,on ur xorg.conf,did u have below lines,if not add!:
Section "Extensions"
    Option         "Composite" "Enable"

there is a lot of known problem with 8xxx series in Linux.
I urge you to watch/subscribe Nvidia Linux forum here:

and especially these threads:


in search of myself
@ parkash i used nvidia script. Are is envy mein kya khaas bat hai. This is not the first time i'am installing nv driver. Successfully installed on 3/4 pcs before.
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