Two broadband connection, one wireless router, four computers - Please help

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Think Zen.
30? I figured u'd be near 50 by the way u keep saying ur old. :p
Seriously dude, 30's no way close to old.Get over it.


Tribal Boy

LOL no, I always make fun of my age. But I never meant that, I mean I do not think even 50 is something called old !! Infra and other friends know that :D And sometime I post like I am a kid !! Just for fun.

Main thing is, most of my clients (abroad) are in their 40s / 50s and by the way they talk / interact I feel they are younger than me ! I love that attitude. They are more active and enjoy their life. And I am just like em, but I always joke / post like I am too old or I am uncle etc :)


Even a difference of 30 doesn't matter !!


Think Zen.
was jus' kidding.
Besides IMO age is what u feel it is.
But I must say, u're the first guy(guy right?:p) i met that wants to be known as old ;)


Broken In
As u were saying for 3 ip address.. thats the best process... you can make it manually or automatically for internet connection
as you are having a wireless router,for that you need the following devices.
two routers - Router A as DATA One, Router B As Tata..

Router A =
Router B =
Make The wireless Access Point as ( or any other number)

Other Than this you need a switch....
follow the diagram on the lick to understand
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