[tutorial] Displaying tabbed items with javascript

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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Source: Myself written it.

Hey, have you ever been to a site like *www.rediff.com ? Did you observe the how you can display different items by clicking on the tabs? (see below illustrations)

Illustration 1: Clicking on 'Business' will display all the headlines


Illustration 2: Clicking on 'news' will display news items


Illustration 3: Clicking on 'Headlines' will display business items


Want to have that on your site ? Download the HTML file linked below and follow the instructions in it. Format the elements as per your needs.

See the script in action and also download the source at *javascript.biologyformhtcet.com/display_tabbed_items.html
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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
HEy, guyz thanks for replies. Do use it if you need, and do acknowledge me and by blog(*www.rohanshenoy.blogspot.com) in the source.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
QwertyManiac said:
Thread should be in Programming section perhaps. Not that HTML is a Programming language, but JS is :))
Ya, i realize now that its in wrong section.Sorry, I had not realized earlier due to excitement :D
But I still prefer it remains here in Tutorial section.
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Be CoOl rAp RuLeZ !!!
good one that one is from ajax and this one is from javasript
instead of using button i prefer image button to make it more attractive and make the table border 0 to make it look a little more good

by the way good work :D


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
rohan_shenoy said:
Format the elements as per your needs.
kushagra_krates@yahoo.com said:
good one that one is from ajax and this one is from javasript
instead of using button i prefer image button to make it more attractive and make the table border 0 to make it look a little more good

by the way good work :D


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