Turbo C/C++ and other junk compilers help, discussions and queries here


Allllright !
^Actually thats the code I wrote.. I am referring to book by 'Forouzan & Gilberg' and another by 'Padma Reddy'


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Don't read Padma Reddy. It's only applicable for ancient compilers like Turbo C running on ancient operating systems like Windows 3.11.

conio.h, process.h are historic header files for DOS machines.


Don't read Padma Reddy. It's only applicable for ancient compilers like Turbo C running on ancient operating systems like Windows 3.11.

conio.h, process.h are historic header files for DOS machines.

^You did not mention nonstandard -- the single biggest reason to avoid it.


Okay, so I wrote a program in Turbo C++ and saved it. But I want a .exe file.
How do I get it?
Okay, so I wrote a program in Turbo C++ and saved it. But I want a .exe file.
How do I get it?

Did you notice this very important word in the thread's title: "Turbo C/C++ and other junk compilers help, discussions and queries here".

I don't know how to get an exe in TC, but I surely know that you should upgrade from a >10 years old highly obsolete compiler to a modern compiler like GCC/G++ or Visual Studio.


tech is in mah bl00d
Re: C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

Hey Guys,
Visual Studio is good for learning c..?
I couldn't understand use of void in c and cpp, is this still used in modern world?

What really wrong with Turbo C, I want to elaborate to my teacher...


The Linux Guy
Re: C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

C/C++ Thread .

As far as I understand, void is for functions which don't return a value. It is deprecated, and produces warnings when run in GCC .


Re: C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

is cin>> and cout<< a predefined function??
and is clrscr() needed??? bcoz isnt the screen already blank??


The Linux Guy
Re: C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

cin and cout are not functions, but input and output objects, defined in the istream / ostream / iostream header files.

clrscr() is defined in the header conio.h , and is a dos only implementation. It is required so that each time your program is run, it is run on a blank console screen, and nothing from the previous program runs, or if you use the console, then all your commands and the console responses are seen.
Re: C/C++ Beginner's Guide and Post Basic Questions here

Hey Guys,
Visual Studio is good for learning c..?
I couldn't understand use of void in c and cpp, is this still used in modern world?

What really wrong with Turbo C, I want to elaborate to my teacher...

> I would strongly suggest not using VS for C. You'll have to use the 'VS developer command line tool' to compile C code as there is no choice for C project in VS. Additionally, VC's C compiler is based on C89 stranded, not even C99. I would suggest eclipse+mingw for C and even C++ for beginner.

> void means nothing. When used as function return type, it means nothing will be returned. When used in functions parameter list, it means nothing will be accepted. Additionally, you can create void pointers too which are called 'generic pointers'. These can point to objects of any type unlike common pointers which point to only one type of objects.

> Turbo C is light years behing the industry. It has not been updated to implement new C/C+ versions. It still provides functions which have been deprecated or declared unsafe for use. Google this for more technical details :)
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