this linux is going over me... in need of hlp agn,..

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Genius in making mistakes
praka123 said:
create a swap of 300 MB and the Linux partn indicated as "/" around 5-6GB tats enough.

Is 300 MB enough for swap? I thought that swap should be double of RAM mem (992 MB, 32=vedio).


left this forum longback
vish786 said:
who told u tat, i also hav via mobo... drivers are already present in mobo cd... and u can also download from net.

that reply is for @bhushan05d251
and..Via drivers are cr@p if not for Linux.dont just get the this:
Just for ur infi :D
The VIA proprietary drivers

The proprietary drivers from VIA contain support for most chipsets, mpeg2 and mpeg4 acceleration, but are of low quality and often unstable. In addition, the 3D driver leaves your system open for attack by malicious clients, and furthermore, applications that accelerate mpeg2 and mpeg4 must be run as root, which is a very bad idea if they contain vulnerabilities (and they do). Avoid using these drivers unless you know what you are really doing! The drivers can be found here. Also, these drivers are distribution specific and a driver for different distribution other than yours might not work.
The Xorg driver

The via driver in the Xorg sources was the starting base for the Unichrome driver project, and stable parts of the code have been put back into Xorg. When most of the developers left the Unichrome project in the spring of 2005, Thomas Hellström and Ivor Hewitt continued the development for Unichrome Pro and updated the Xorg driver accordingly. This driver has support for most Unichrome chipsets and also accelerates 2D, 3D, Xvideo and mpeg2 decoding using XvMC. It has basic modesetting and VBE modesetting for otherwise unsupported hardware. Use this driver if you are not after bleeding edge features.
The Kdrive driver

The Kdrive driver is a Unichrome driver for the experimental minimal "Kdrive" display system, apparently contributed by VIA. This driver uses VBE for modesetting and does 2D acceleration. We've heard very little from people using this driver, and it lacks 3D acceleration, Xv and mpeg2 decoding. Read more about kdrive here and on
The Unichrome development driver

The founder of the project is continuing development on the Unichrome project on his own. Focus is on code quality rather than features, and features that get in the way of that philosophy are ripped out. This driver does basic modesetting, accelerates 2D, 3D and Xv, but mainly lacks support for Unichrome Pro and hardware mpeg2 decoding. Use this driver if you like the result of nice and clean coding. See Unichrome on sourceforge.
The OpenChrome driver

The OpenChrome driver is basically the Xorg driver with some experimental enhancements for the community to try out before they are commited to Xorg. This site is dedicated to the use and development of this OpenChrome driver and the Xorg driver, but discussions and comments regarding the other drivers are of course welcome.
The OpenChrome driver didn't support panel displays with the VN800 chipset when I used it in February. I'm not sure if it's panel support has been added for that chipset.
The XFree86 driver

The XFree86 driver is a very early version of the Xorg driver. It should be considered obsolete. See XFree86.

Aaargh! What a mess. So what driver should I use?

If you want to test out new features, and be part of the community, hang around here and use the OpenChrome development driver. If you're satisfied with a relatively stable driver without bleeding edge features, go for the Xorg driver. If you are looking for a minimalist X distribution, you might try out Kdrive, but remember that you will be missing 3D and video capabilities.
ur answer ends @ openchrome ;)

bhushan05d251 said:
Is 300 MB enough for swap? I thought that swap should be double of RAM mem (992 MB, 32=vedio).
the double swap theory is old and obsolete.Do u run some 20+ apps simultaneously?then may be a 100MB swap may be used.

mayanks_098 said:
i think make it 500mb to b on d safer side so dat u can run many apps
just run in a terminal(konsole?) below command and press enter:
~$free -m
and just show me whether ur swap is used?

swap partn of 500-600MB is may be needed by ppl who may be working too many apps all time and got low memory 256MB like that.
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world is evil
Re: li'l more patience helps!!

praka123 said:
Ur first entry is for sabayon and 2nd for Ubuntu ?
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
^^ this must be sabayon Linux.and everything seems fine with ur first post.So there must grub boot menu showing like Sabayon,Other and Ubuntu.
ur 2nd menu.lst is from Ubuntu.
I see no reason for Ubuntu entry not showing in ur grub menu.btwn after the "title" line for every OS u can give whatever name u want.for eg: if u got windows give: title Windows Vista RC2 etc...
Just check again.also from a terminal(Konsole or gnome-terminal) as root run
~#fdisk  -l
^^ copy paste the output of command from terminal to here.

here is my output of fisk -1

# fdisk -1
fdisk: invalid option -- 1

Usage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table
fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partition table(s)
fdisk -s PARTITION Give partition size(s) in blocks
fdisk -v Give fdisk version
Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda
and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda7
-u: give Start and End in sector (instead of cylinder) units
-b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-byte sectors


world is evil it is

fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 2868 23037178+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 2869 16390 108615465 f W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sda3 16391 18940 20482875 83 Linux
/dev/sda5 2869 5736 23037178+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6 5737 9560 30716248+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda7 9561 13384 30716248+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda8 13385 15296 15358108+ 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda9 15297 15478 1461883+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda10 15479 16390 7325608+ 83 Linux

vish786 said:
i dint use my uuid's of his partition... i just added few line from first menu.lst to second menu.lst ;)

dude sry,bt as praka told,1st menu.lst was of sabayon n 2nd was of ubuntu.
i messed it up coz i had both d files open @ d same time.

can u tell d sol nw coz i stll cant see ubuntu in grub aftr doing all dat u ppl told me...
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left this forum longback
@mayank:so u got Linux partitions @ /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda10
as u said u can login to sabayon,open a terminal and run this command:
~$cat   /etc/fstab
paste the o/p here.
^^ this is to know ur "/" partn.if u know ur ubuntu partn.
I'll try to explain from beginning.
first look at /etc/fstab to know ur root "/" entry.I think u installed sabayon it will be /dev/sda10? or "/" for u.
now mount ur ubuntu(u first installed this ?) as follows.
~$su -
^give root passwd and enter
~#mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
now open /mnt using ur file manager-nautilus(menu >Places< for GNOME) or Konqueror(for kde) and browse into /mnt/boot/ the menu.lst of ubuntu.copy down the first entry starting with "title Ubuntu..." to ur /boot/grub/menu.lst(or grub.conf) of ur sabayon's
^^ u need root(administrator) permissions to do above operations.
Also while in sabayon,try something to update ur grub.
as root user(su -) run below cmd in sabayon after editing:
~#grub-install /dev/sda
^^ check for any error messages.
try and post.also post ur /etc/fstab


world is evil
praka123 said:
@mayank:so u got Linux partitions @ /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda10
as u said u can login to sabayon,open a terminal and run this command:
~$cat   /etc/fstab
paste the o/p here.
^^ this is to know ur "/" partn.if u know ur ubuntu partn.

dis is my output of cat /etc/fstab

/dev/sda3 / ext3 defaults,user_xattr 1 1
/dev/sda9 swap swap defaults 0 0
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

its showng my / as sda3,dats fine
bt y it is showng sda10(ubuntu's partition as tmpfs?

i more thng,my net prob is solved nw,only issue left is dis 1.

so,yestrday in applications ->settings->gnome settings->boot.
i saw ubuntu listed der.earlier wen i had not edited menu.lst,ubuntu was nt der in d dat means it is der bt nt getng displayed.i tried taking screenshot bt print screen wont wrk.i set my default os as ubuntu bt abi wen i rebooted my default was displayed as "other".i thnk may b der is sum minor mistake.may b ubuntu is named as other n wen i clik other i get vista's loader.
i can post screenie if u can tell me d shortcut.

praka123 said:
now mount ur ubuntu(u first installed this ?) as follows.
~$su -
^give root passwd and enter
~#mount /dev/sda3 /mnt

praka am i required to mount dis way?i mean i can mount drives with just double clicking.
c wen i boot into my system n hover my mouse over my partition,some info is displayed n it sez unmounted volume.wen i double clik n hover mouse on it,it shows mounted n also a green arrow is showed on d icon od d drive.

so am i really reqired to mount d way u told or d way i do is also fine?

praka123 said:
Also while in sabayon,try something to update ur grub.
as root user(su -) run below cmd in sabayon after editing:
~#grub-install /dev/sda
^^ check for any error messages.
try and post.also post ur /etc/fstab

Installation finished. No error reported.
This is the contents of the device map /boot/grub/
Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect,
fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'.

(fd0) /dev/fd0
(hd0) /dev/sda

done it...
getng all three os in grub

really a big big thanks to u praka 4 hlpng me n ur patience

~#grub-install /dev/sda did d trick.
i thnk grub was nt updated so d changes wer nt getng reflectd in boot.

newez,fine nw.
net also seems to b wrkng fine in both rit nw.rit nw riting dis frm ubuntu.
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