Found a thread about 17 inch version of np550.
People seem to have problem with gpu overheating very quickly and throttling. Normally a 17 inchers have better cooling than 15 inchers. If that's the case then it makes sense why samsung is selling it dirt cheap. Probably they are clearing up their stock and gonna replace it with either series 7 or series 9.
Hence almost non exsistant driver support.
Before samsung users start to flaming me, have a look at that thread and read through what problems users are facing.
Then see this popular aussie thread on 15r SE there they got loooooots f complaints on their early stage of lap ...!!!

but v dont get any problems neighter BSOD as many there says!!!

Thank god but, dont know the reason y they got so many troubles with 15r se!!

facts should be welcomed(if proper links are givn) ..pls dont call it trolling!!