I was playing Max Payne at 1600X900 for around 1.5 hours plus.
Here are two fraps reports from the log.
2012-07-15 18:18:32 - MaxPayne3
Frames: 9706 - Time: 161321ms - Avg: 60.166 - Min: 59 - Max: 61
2012-07-15 19:51:40 - MaxPayne3
Frames: 12404 - Time: 257745ms - Avg: 48.125 - Min: 34 - Max: 185
Vsync Off.
All qualities at HIGH.
FXAA off.
Tesselation Normal. (I don't see the point in using high anti aliasing and stuff like that, so if I'm playing with the wrong settings do let me know)
Note these are actual gameplay fps. In combat its around the 45 mark. The in between cutscenes are around 35, and the other cutscenes are 70+.
Temps weren't a problem at all since I was playing in an AC room with some support between the laptop and the bed to allow for proper ventilation. Although if you aren't going to be playing such games in a non AC room then you must get a cooling pad.
No throttling, no nothing.
The game runs smooth as silk.
yea registered for it, but its releasing only next year right? btw what anti-virus are you all installing? I got Kaspersky internet security from flipkart...
n I've been installing Max Payne 3 from 4 pm, there are these goddamn patches being downloaded
errr dunno about that, is gpu temp viewable on HWmonitor?
Lets party up in multiplayer soon.