The Samsung Series 5 550P Laptops Thread


Hey did anyone of you go through the magazine?
A guy had asked a question that "Would gaming cause my battery to degrade?"
And the reply was that not gaming,but high temps causes battery problems.
Anything above 50!!!... :shock:

EDIT:-Relax guys....I'm sure none of us is going to stop gaming even if its true. :lol:
its 60C for this lappy..check the battery got some padding. :p


Anybody can provide the link to new nvidia drivers? I cannot download it through easy software manager.
My laptop is working absolutely fine. No throttling. Haven't tried very demanding games though.

Abhishek Nama

Good News to prospective buyers of this lappy. The Samsung E-store has the i7 back in stock.

It will be only a matter of few days/hours for other online retailers to update their sites.
Flipkart will definitely have it in stock by tomorrow or the day after.


Broken In
anyone played saints row 3? I tried but game freezees at copyright screen when run in it drivers program? cuz when I ran in dx 9 mode the game ran without any issues........


Broken In
where will i see a difference in speaker quality between 2 lappys ,one having subwoofer and other doesn't have. what is the use of subwoofer....


where will i see a difference in speaker quality between 2 lappys ,one having subwoofer and other doesn't have. what is the use of subwoofer....

It should be quite obvious the sound quality is amazing on this laptop. Subwoofers enhance bass and provide thumps. Play Boom bom pow :p


Broken In
does subwoofer fitted in a laptop causes any harm to other components in laptop,like vibrations which may reduce the life of laptop.....
or it was past problem ,present laptop doesn't face this problem?


Broken In lappy's mobo replaced....max temps in gta iv is faqin throttling and tested with ts too.....what so ever...

Finally!!!!....It got fixed at the best time!!...Congratz!!.. :-D

Anybody can provide the link to new nvidia drivers? I cannot download it through easy software manager.
My laptop is working absolutely fine. No throttling. Haven't tried very demanding games though.

Thanks to this fellow's question,I came to know about the NEW NVIDIA DRIVER UPDATE RELEASED TODAY
Here is the link *
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Broken In
i updated the bios.but now m facing throttling even at 70C.before update there was no throttling.i dnt knw wat to do knw.i dnt knw whether we will be able to fully utilize gt650m or not.m eagerly waitin for that day.


Not that quick...... :p took them 3 Weeks to do so

3 weeks is decent if the problem is unknown. Even Dell takes at least a week for a part replacement. I had an hdd replacement for my Dell pc it took 1 and a half weeks for part to come from bangalore. And one and a half week after the guy inspected what's wrong.


Broken In
3 weeks is decent if the problem is unknown. Even Dell takes at least a week for a part replacement. I had an hdd replacement for my Dell pc it took 1 and a half weeks for part to come from bangalore. And one and a half week after the guy inspected what's wrong.

I second that..
In my past experience,
Mobo replacement by HP 4weeks
Screen by Toshiba 3 week

It's quite average, not delayed y or fast,
But needs improvement if Samsung has to overtake other notebook brands :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
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