The Photography Thread


Grand Master
@Zangetsu yes pics are taken with Nikon 55-200...lens is good but its not even close to nikon's 70-300 AFS VR


Democracy is a myth
@Sujoy, I would stay away from burning things I guess. Last thing I want to do is starting a forest fire :p

Second problem, I see sun-rays in fog but my cam can't see! How do I make my cam see the rays as rays.
Probable ISO, shuter speed and aperature ? Any idea on that?

@Zangetsu, thanx dude. I use a P&S cam Canon SX10IS.

//offtopic, my fried was impressed by my cam and went to buy it. Canon had come to his city for an exhibition. There he asked the price of my model and the Canon representatives told him that the model is not in production now. They have brought the model here to show the Canon history!!!


Grand Master
@rhitwick ok let me do some experiment myself then will suggest u on this :D

And congrats your cam is now one of the canons historical p&S :D :p

Now your friend will get SX30IS and SX40IS


I am the master of my Fate.
in P&S shoot category Cannon wins hands down Nikon...
my cousin had Nikon Coolpix but its image quality was not so good...


Grand Master
@Zangetsu u r right...canons P&S r the best and then comes Panasonic & Sony

Got some nice monkey shots for u guys :D

1. Young One


2. Gandhiji ke teen bandar


3. Portrait of a Angry Monkey


4. Angry young Monkey


Hope u like monkey business :p


Grand Master
@Zangetsu Thanks for liking...I was standing for 15 mins ....took nearly 30 shots and was satisfied :D or else could have taken more


Grand Master
In Pic 2,3 & 4 I was just 6-7 feets away from Monkey...and in Pic 1 I was nearly 15-feet away...all the pics r nearly 80-90% of original shot (very less cropped)


Aspiring Novelist
Thanks Abhi.

I like the first one. 3rd and 4th would have been good if he hid his vampire teeth. :)

I got visible rays when I shot at higher shutter speed. Longer the exposure, lighter the visibility (in your case no visibility). But when I shot there was good enough light to capture the sun rays through the clouds. Try faster shutter speed, I think it should work even in little light.


Grand Master
@nac u want those vampire teeth hidden and I was waiting for him to show those teeth...but sadly he didnt ;)


Some shots from the bird sanctury with 18-55mm :oops:










Critiqes welcome:D
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Grand Master
@prabhu ...I would say pics r nice keeping in mind u have used 18-55...but get a zoom lens for these as soon as possible
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