The Photography Thread


Broken In
Hey guys i need suggestions regarding Lens/Accessories with model no.s for Nikon D 5000. I have already got 18-55mm lens

Lens for - Landscapes, Portraits ,Macro Photography,telephoto zoom.

Need suggestions for each category for the above mentioned camera. Post here or PM me.


Prakhar: 1st shoot with the kit lens you have atleast 2 to 3 months. Then automatically you will know that you wanna this lens or that lens.
Photography is very costly and you cant buy every lens for every field. You have decide on your genre first that what you likes to shoot more.
I love macros and protraits.

Abhinav loves; landscapes. and so on.

with the kit lens you can do,
Portraits, Landscapes. Just wait for few months before spending money.


Grand Master
@toofan this is not good...u should have given him a fair chance to get those lenses by advising him...ok I will advice

As u have D5000 I would suggest you get most of the 'with motor' lenses like AFS range of nikon so that u can autofocus with them

Macro - Tamron 90mm Macro or AFS Nikkor 85mm Macro
Zoom - Nikkor 55-300 AFS, Nikkor 70-300 AFS
Potraits - Nikkor AFS 50mm, Nikkor 35mm 1.8 , Nikkor 85mm
Landscapes - Nikkor 12-24mm wide angle or Tamron 17-50 2.8

Just calculate the price and see y toofan suggested otherwise:mrgreen:



Sharing some shots I am posting for the ongoing contest. Please Critique.
These are ordinaly rain drops over ordinary perch.(I doubt this work is correctly used).




_DSC9031 by toofan.v, on Flickr


RoCk N' RoLL
sujoy: great macros! and congrats for the flash!

abhinav: awesome shots! lighting is perfect.

toofan: 1st n 2nd are great!


Grand Master
Thanks Jagg for liking

some more macros:grin:




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RoCk N' RoLL
sujoy: 1st is better than 2nd but both are not appealing that much to me.. 3rd is Awesome!! 4th is a different kind of shot the bg is making a nice texture for the pic n i like it!! :)
i wanted to try some selective color on the 4th one as soon as i saw it.. hope you dont mind..



Grand Master
Thanks jagg and skud for liking and comments...

Selective coloring looks fine:p

But please tell me whats the problem with 1& 2 yellow too harsh thats the reason...or maybe the background need to be more blurred..

I personally like 2nd the most..:smile:


Grand Master
sujoy: 4th is excellent take. just take care of the background. Edited version looks more better.

@toofan...thanks.. actually it was a painting in background..and I thought it will enhance the image...but sadly I was wrong:oops:


In the zone
@Sujyop Very nice works with macro, I guess the insects are now used to you shooting them.
The last pic (Flower) is awesome!!
May i ask which lens you are using?

@jagg.. I just love the selective coloring work.

Seems like i have been missing a lot of things by not being faithful to my camera. I can see many new members here.
I am hoping to get back to this thread as active member soon.



Grand Master
@INS-INI thanks...there r soo many insect in this season...I miss many shots coz of there un-photogenic positions:p

That flower was shot with 50mm 1.8 and used bounced flash at full power:smile:

come back to photography soon :smile:




awesome shots toofan and sujoyp
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